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True to her assumptions, the first part of the paper was hard,but the rest part made it easier for Ria to score decent marks.The thought of failing in exams horrified her. After the submission of papers, she met Romy outside the room. It was 4:15 already. While coming out of the campus, Ria's eyes were looking for Koustav. Then she thought he might not have reached here yet.

It was their early habit during those 3 years of graduation that they used to eat sweets or momos after their first exams. The motto behind this was to boost up each other's confidence and mental strength. This started as Nabila forcefully fed sweets as Romy had a really bad day on her first exam. Still looking for Koustav, Ria made a video call to Nabila. She was online as well so got connected as well. The trio then relived their old memories.....

It was 5pm already, when the call ended. Romy walked towards her pg. Ria tried calling Koustav, his phone was switched off,typing a quick  text message about going home alone, she took a bus and came back home.

All the way back,she tried calling him many times,her phone had notifications of hundred messages from her friends,Ujaan but nothing from him. she was getting tensed each passing moment, the fear of something unknown....more specifically fear of losing Koustav was gripping her. To steady her nerves she stood up from her seat and passed it to a teenager, went towards the front of the bus. Coming back home, Ria found the front door open. Another car was parked inside as well. The car seemed known to her, but she could not remember it exactly, shrugging away the thought she entered the house. The whole family including Koustav was present there. Her racing heart got a little peace. Namit and Nilima were seated there with smiles on their faces,they were busy in chatting with her in-laws. There was no sign of Niloy today.The odd thing was Titli was sitting beside them and Nilima was talking with her. Koustav was standing far from them.

Titli noticed her entering first. In order to avoid the overfriendly chats of her step-mother, she walked towards Ria.Koustav's eyes reached her sight. Titli took a bottle of water and gave it to Ria. Koustav did not come near her, instead she saw him entering the kitchen and instructing something to Binni.

"Arey Ria! Why are you standing there? Come, sit here.",came Nilima's voice. Even her greeting made Ria irritated.

Her mother-in-law came to her rescue. She said, "She is having her exams, Nilima...and Ria, Why are you wasting your time here? Go upstairs. I'll send someone with your tea. Titli! You go to your room too and study."

Flashing a smile, Ria walked upstairs fast. Titli followed her. Titli being herself , started to tell her all day long activities. Ria's mind was elsewhere. Suddenly there was a knock,this sound was way too known to her ears. Koustav was on her doorstep,with a tray in his hands.

Titli got down from the bed and took the tray from Koustav. He came up with his cup too. Ria placed a newspaper on the bed and gestured Titli to place the tray on the sheet now.

Koustav was sipping his tea when he heard his mother calling Titli's name. Titli ran instantly. It seemed both of them were eager to talk,as both looked at each other and Koustav asked,"You had to wait for me, na.......I was just going to pick you up..."

Ria: I left many messages for you. Where were you all this time?

Koustav:I'm sorry actually....I was just leaving the house to pick you up.....but got stuck here as Namit kaka came.

Ria: You could have left a message. I was standing,waiting for you.....and I was worried for you.

Koustav: How was your paper? I helped you properly last time,right?

Ria: I managed it...and thanks again, your suggestions helped.

Koustav: So, why are you still not up for studying?

Ria: I've an off-day tomorrow.

Koustav: Then utilise the full time wisely. Use the room next.

Ria: No need of doing it. I'm completely alright in studying here.

Koustav: Higher studies! That too post grad level exam preps can not be done properly in front of Titli.......she will not let you concentrate.

Ria: Don't forget I used to be in hostel.

Koustav: so?

Ria: I'm used to these situations.....now show me what you have done to that room.

Koustav: Go ahead.

They entered the next room. Titli was still downstairs. Sounds of everyones laughter were reaching upstairs.

Ria noticed this room is bigger. Three windows faced the south. Plenty of cool evening breeze during the summers and cozy morning sun in the winter blessed this room. This room was too perfect for a romantic like her. But she had to be here alone, this thought instantly soured her happy mood.

Koustav was standing behind her.

Koustav: Are you upset?

Ria: No..no...you used to study here. Yet you arranged all these....it means a lot to me.

Koustav: You can use these shelves,this bed if you are studying late at night,which you usually do,that table...everything here is yours now.

Ria was going to answer something,her smile faded when Koustav said: Namit kaka is here cause they are shifting here tomorrow.

Ria stood there answering nothing as it was not her place,so she could stop them, plus Namit uncle was a good person, but even the sight of Nilima made her uncomfortable.

Taking a deep breath so she turned towards the window and finally asked,"Should I go to my father's home for some days?"

Koustav: Are you afraid of her? Or irritated like me?

Ria: Both...

Koustav chuckled hearing her answer. He came closer towards her,

Koustav: The cause of irritation, well that part I know! But,why are you afraid of her?

Ria: You, just some months ago, left me there....that night was horrible.....I'm afraid of losing you again.

Koustav stood there just sighing for some time.Ria was eager to get his reply....she wanted to hear what was she to him.

Now not getting any replies Ria turned back to find him standing some inches behind her. He mildly smiled and said,"Those sort of situations won't appear again.....No one is leaving no one here now." And confusing her more, he got out of the room.

Ria too locked this room up and went to her room to sit and go through her books.

During dinner, Ria was called downstairs by her MIL. On the table she again informed her of Namit-Nilima's shifting here.

To make the situations worse, she told them to shift together for a few days. Titli's face instantly dimmed. She finally had gotten a perfect companion and sister in form of Ria, this idea saddened her.

Though Ria loved Koustav, but she had gotten used to live alone for a long time, and specifically in her kind of situation,where she had seen all his wrath,annoyance,ignorance , it was difficult to share same room with him.

Only Koustav remained calm. He silently noticed Titli and Ria's faces after hearing what his mother said. He calmly gave a solution of shifting himself to Ria's next room. In this way no one would get a chance to make any gossips,as Ria would be using the room too as her study.

Four of the five, were satisfied with this idea,but Ria had a feeling of something big was going to happen.


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