Time At School

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I only ever have one thing on my mind... Benny Sherwood. He was the science geek at the back of my class. Yeah I'm gay. I pretend I'm not with this girl called Katie who funnily enough is a lesbian. She has a thing for a girl called Lexi who has short blonde hair that kinda looks like mine a bit. I know I would never have a chance with Benny, not because he isn't gay but because I'm not his type. He goes for guys like Quinn and I am no where near like Quinn. Quinn however is completely straight. Straighter then a straight line. I feel so sorry for Benny yet I want to scream "I LOVE YOU BENNY SHERWOOD, SO WHY CANT YOU LOVE ME INSTEAD OF HIM?!". Obviously though I would never have the confidence to do that because he doesn't feel for me like that. He is Benny Sherwood.
"Tom what in the world of the dayside are you daydreaming about?" My Gran asked as she interrupted my thoughts about Benny.
"I was just daydreaming Gran, just daydreaming"
"Well you better get to school, off you pop."
At least at school I get to see the hotness that is Benny Sherwood.
* a beautiful TARDIS takes you on a time skip to school*
"Hi Tom, did you have a good weekend?"
"Yeah Benny I did actually, did you?" I asked back
"Yeah kept daydreaming about him though"
I sighed in response. I just want him to love me, is that so much to ask?
"Benny I've got something to tell you and I'm sorry I have kept it a secret for so long, I guess I was just scared."
"What is it" Benny responded, the look of curiosity on his face was adorable.
"I'm.... Gay"
He looked confused yet happy.
"Seriously? How do you know?" He asked
I sighed while giggling slightly and replied " Yes seriously and I know because .. Well... "
"Well what tom?"
"I know because of you and ever since you blew up the science lab in year 7 I have been helplessly in love with you" I replied slightly faster then I usually speak.
" I wished you told me sooner" Benny said. With no time at all he crashed his lips into mine. To say fireworks went off would be an understatement. The kiss was full of love and passion and I could slightly feel Benny's hard on against mine. It was beautiful. I didn't want that moment to end.
"Wait I thought you liked Quinn?" I wondered aloud.
"Quinn was a code name for you." He blushed as he answered.
I then remembered Benny saying Quinn was "totally kissable".
"So you really think I'm totally kissable?" I asked with my right eyebrow raised.
He then gave me a short peck on the lips and said yes.
"Yes Benny?"
"Will you do me the honours of being my beautiful boyfriend?"
And without a thought going through my mind I said "Who could say no to Benjamin Sherwood? Of course!"
Then we carried on kissing until it was time for our next lesson.
That was a day I will never forget.

Tom Clarke and Benny Sherwood OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now