Benny gone Hero

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I saw Benny acting brave in front of Lexi. He had his computer in his hand ready to give the Nekross ship a massive virus. "If you think I won't do it, try me. Go and take my best friend, go on.... I'm waiting."He said with no terror in his voice. Seconds later Lexi had teleported down and put her arm around me in order to beam me up to the ship. At that exact moment, Benny put the virus on causing Lexi to lose her grip on me and teleport back to space.
"Thanks Benny boy, almost lost me there." I said with a sarcastic tone dripping from my voice.
"Tom I would never let them take you, you're my best friend after all." He explained sounding sad.
"What's wrong mate?" I asked.
"That is what is wrong Tom" he replied.
I was very confused at that point. What did he mean by that? Did he hate me? What if he go's away forever? I couldn't handle that. He isn't just my best friend, he is the man I love with all my magic. I would magic him his own universe if it meant he was happy, even though that would probably kill me.
"What do you mean by that Benny?" I asked.
"Tom ever since you saved me from that Nekross all that time ago and even before that, I have been helplessly in love with you. Every time you spoke about Katie or Lexi as Lucy it tore my heart to shreds. I love you Tom Clarke and yes I am gay. I don't want to be your friend because I want to be your boyfriend. Please don't hate me."
I stood there in silence for a second just processing what had just happened. Then without time I put my lips on his. With one hand on his hip and the other on his neck I slid my tongue along his lower lip hoping for entrance. He gladly gave in and the rest of that night? Well it was a blur of fun.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2014 ⏰

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