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Darkness was the only thing I saw. Above me, below me and all around me. It seemed as if I was completely alone. The dead silence haunted the dark. I could feel the humidity seep right into my bones.

Suddenly a cold wind blew, sending chills down my spine. I had to get out of here. My feet moved on their own as they tried to find an exit but there was absolutely nothing. I looked around and wondered how I ended up here. And, more importantly, why was I here?

Confusion struck me as I thought hard about what the answers could be. The ignorance was driving me mad when I remembered one thing; I was looking for something. No, I was looking for someone. But I didn't know who.

A loud bang filled the silence and almost immediately was followed by a white glow. It reminded me of a car's headlights, shining in the middle of a dark road. The brightness was so strong that hurt my eyes and I unwillingly shut them closed.

The light was slowly vanishing when another loud sound caught my attention. It was similar to the noise of a piece of paper being ripped apart. The ground suddenly opened and swallowed me. I felt my body being pulled down by gravity as I screamed at the top of my lungs.

I yelled for someone to help me. For anybody to save me. I desperately tried to reach for something to hold onto, for a branch or maybe for a rock. However, nothing was within my reach. All I came in contact with was the air.

I kept falling for what seemed like forever. I was beginning to think that I would stay like that for an eternity when cold, but delicate, hands finally caught me from my fall. I breathed in relief and let my body relax to the safety of those arms. The area I was currently in was a little brighter so I could see the rocks surrounding me. I must be in something like a cave, I thought.

I looked at my savior and was enchanted by his beauty. Hair as white as snow, blue ice-like eyes, a small birthmark like a snowflake below the right ear which was mostly covered by the hair and a breathtaking smile. He looked like a god. And then it hit me. All the confusion that clouded my mind disappeared. He was the 'someone' I was looking for.

"Kristy..." someone called out from behind.

I began turning my neck around to the source of the voice when the darkness consumed me once again.

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