Chapter 1: A King's Life

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Present Day

Your Palace

It was a pretty normal and boring day at your palace as Usual, you were sitting in your throne room as your palace had a large line that stretched beyond the entrance gate

What all of the people in the line wanted was to have their wish granted, after being bored for so long you decided to just have people come to your home to request their wish

if it's something your interested in, you grant the wish, if not, you don't grant it and warp them back to where they came from

You were currently granting the wishes of a bunch of people as you sat on your throne while holding your head up with your fist with your two guards standing at your sides

Person 1: I wish for immortality!

Y/N: Denied...

With that you snapped your fingers and warped that person back to where they came from, the next person to step up was an elderly lady with an old man who seemed to be sick

Old Lady: My husband has been very ill with a dangerous decease for a while...please make him better...

Y/N: Granted...

You snapped your fingers causing the old man to suddenly glow green for a short moment, before his eyes went wide open

Old Lady: My dear! You've been cured!

Old Man: I-I can't believe it...! After all these years...!

Old Lady: Thank you very much sire! We are forever in your favour!

Y/N: It's fine, just go home and enjoy the rest of your lives together...

With that they smiled and happily walked home together, you could suddenly hear a bunch of complaints in the distance

You saw how a brute was shoving though the crowd and rushing towards you to get his wish

Brute: I don't wait in lines!!

Y/N: You're annoying...Begone...

You glared at the brute with wide eyed causing him to glow white for a split second before completely disappearing

Everyone in the line went wide eyed and gasped in shock

Y/N: You'll be given the same fate as that Buffoon if you cut in line and physically harm others...

The next person in line to step up was a rather small lady with wings as white as snow, she looked as if that she was in a desperate situation

The next person in line to step up was a rather small lady with wings as white as snow, she looked as if that she was in a desperate situation

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Y/N: What's your wish...?

???: I-I wish for the war between the three factions to end, I heard rumours of an Omni King being able to grant wished for anyone willing to wait in a line! Please grant my wish!

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