- Chapter Two -

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"Sleep well", Mrs Ajayi said as the girls stood up and walked  to their rooms.
"Goodnight" Tamiloore said, "And sleep early" she added with a knowing smile.

Semiloore turned the lock of her room door before walking straight to her laptop and powering it on. She typed in her password and the desktop window was shown.

Semiloore yawned as closed her laptop
"How am I expected to wake up early for church tomorrow?" Semiloore groaned to herself as she removed her phone from the charger and plopped on her bed and in a minute she was gone.

"You look like a gruffy old lady" Tamiloore joked as Semiloore played with her bread.
"Whatever" Semiloore replied as she drained her tea.

"Let's go" Mrs Ajayi said walking out of the passage.
"Are we the ones opening the church?" Semiloore asked sarcastically.

"No, but as a worker and a new one at that, I can't be late" Mrs Ajayi replied.

"Then go now,we'll meet you" Semiloore replied with a pout.

"Don't test my patience this morning, ma je kin fi ekaran no e o" Mrs Ajayi said anger evident in her voice.  (in English means - Don't let me be harsh on you)

Semiloore swallowed her saliva as she picked up her bag. Her mom was a great mom and never got angry at them at least, she rarely got angry but whenever she did, she didn't look funny.

"Let's go" Mrs Ajayi said firmly.

Semiloore slipped her arms in her mom's as she asked.
"Are you still angry?".

Mrs Ajayi glanced at her meaning to talk but smiled when she saw her eyes.
"Just get in the car" Mrs Ajayi said with a sigh.

The new gateman opened the gate as her mom drove the Lexus Jeep out. They followed the GPS lead and soon came to a huge church.

"I've got to admit that this church is quite huge" Tamiloore said.
"Seems like the headquarters" Semiloore added.

"Breakthrough parish" Tamiloore read out.

Mrs Ajayi parked in the parking lot and they got down. Another huge church but smaller was at the side and the girls could see teenagers entering.

"I guess that's the teenagers church" Tamiloore said, her lips curving up slightly.

"Yeah, It is" Semiloore replied.

"I'll see you two after service and Semiloore no trouble" Mrs Ajayi said fixing a stern gaze on Semiloore.

Semiloore raised her hands up in defence while Tamiloore laughed.  "Let's go" Tamiloore said as they started walking towards the smaller church.

Tamiloore walked into the church first as almost everyone turned to her.

"Hey, guys isn't that the girl of yesterday? "
"She's the one"
"Her dress sense is mad o"
"I don't think she's the one oo, this one looks gentle"

Tamiloore glanced at the boys and around looking for an empty chair.
"She doesn't even recognize us"
"And she looks like her o"
Tamiloore checked her sides and couldn't find Semiloore.

Don't tell me she ditched Sunday service.

Tamiloore shook her head as she found two empty seats. Semiloore soon walked in with another girl.

"Semiloore" Tamiloore called and then waved attracting attention.

"She's a twin mehn"
"They are so identical"
"Its unidentical" Frank said with a scoff
"Na you know oo"
"Do you guys want to fight here?"

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