Chapter 3 - A Dangerous Decision

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Kastali Dun

Claire entered King Talon's tower, Desaree beside her. She found Verath sitting by the fire with Jovari and Koldis. All three Shields stood by way of greeting and dismissed the handful of tower servants lingering in the shadows.

"Wine?" Verath asked.

"Yes, please," she and Desaree said in unison, sharing a smile.

Verath busied himself at Talon's wine cabinet before handing around goblets. There was a lingering tenderness in his gaze whenever it fell on Desaree. For the first time since coming to Dragonwall, a small bit of envy crept into her heart. She missed the feeling of being cared for—loved the way Verath appeared to care for Desaree.

Verath spoke once they were settled around the fireplace. "Thank you for making yourself available on short notice. An hour ago, we received a letter from the relay, expedited." He fiddled with a bit of folded parchment in his hands. "From Celenore, dated two days ago. The contents are brief, but clear. As you know, King Talon sent reinforcements to Lormont, Osbourne, and Swinston. Unfortunately, the soldiers and Magoi did not last the night."

"What?! You''re sure? All of them?" She cleared her throat. "What happened?"

"Their presence was detected. As soon as darkness fell, the Vodar swept in and annihilated them. The villagers write that their screams did not last long."

"How many did Talon send?"

"King Talon sent two hundred—"

"Two hundred?!" Her hand went to her stomach. "Two..." There wasn't enough air in the room.

"—split between three villages. They were accompanied by six Magoi of the seventh and eighth levels from the college. None survived."

"And..." She swallowed. "The villagers?"

"The villagers remain undefended. Deaths of their women and children continue each night."

"How dare he?" she whispered. Her face heated. That Kane should involve innocents in his petty quest for power was a low blow. Beside her, Desaree sat silent and pale. "May I see the letter?"

Verath handed it over.

She read through the contents. There wasn't much else beyond what he had said. The final lines held a desperate plea. She chewed on the inside of her cheek. "They have called for more aid." She handed it to Desaree who quickly glanced through it. "Do we have more to send?"

"Our previous reinforcements were no match. But...we do have more to send. Much more. King Talon's forces are vast." Verath stood abruptly and flicked his fingers. "Come with me."

They followed, with Jovari and Koldis trailing behind.

Verath led her to a war room. She'd been here once before, not too long ago, when she had requested Talon make Desaree her handmaiden. It looked no different than it did before.

A large table took up the center, a huge map stretched across it. There were pieces on the map—figurines—similar to those on a chessboard. "This is our war room," Verath said. Koldis and Jovari remained silent and watchful. Desaree merely nodded.

He ushered them over to a section of the map outlining Celenore, one of Dragonwall's twenty Dragondoms. There he pointed at a cluster of figurines, soldiers, each holding a sword in one hand and a shield in the other. They were no taller than the length of her finger.

"Each piece represents a company of one hundred soldiers," he explained. "As you can see, we have approximately three hundred within twenty leagues. They can be assembled in...two, maybe three days."

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