Chapter 8

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Elise took a deep calming breath as she waited for the man that she been talking to on the internet to arrive. She was really nervous about this guy. Way more nervous than she'd ever been. Maybe it was because he was more than just an internet pedifile. Maybe it was because he was a human trafficker. Maybe because she knew he wanted to kidnap her and sell her for human trafficking. Barbados was a beautiful place but just like any other place around the world it had its evil side with it and just like any other case she worked the internet was the cause of it. She pulled her cap further down on her head as the man she assumed was him walked in the door. Just like alway her men was in position ready for everything. Without them she wouldn't be able to get this done. In this situation the dark made her uneasy. She watched as he came her way and took a seat.
   "Robin?" He asked leaning forward trying to see her face.
   "Hi." She said shyly.
   "How are you?"
   "I'm fine just a little shy."
   "No need to be." He smiled at her to reassure her. The man was younger then what she was use to seeing. He seemed to be in his mid thirties whereas the men she was use to dealing with was in there late forties or older.
   "Are you hungry or anything?" He asked.
   "No thank you."
   "Have you ever done this before? Met up with anyone?"
   "No. My mom would be mad if she knew." She said deciding to throw that in there. He chuckled.
   "Yeah I can understand that. You said that you're here from America?" She nodded her head.
   "Visiting my cousin."
   "Is your cousin just as beautiful as you?" She smiled on the outside while she cringed on the inside.
   "She has very long hair down her back."
   "Why didn't she come with you?"
   "You wanted her to come also?" She asked trying to sound confused. She just mentally grew more angry. 
   "Yes why not? The more the merrier." She had to keep herself from reaching over and pulling his tongue out his mouth. "But maybe next time." They both looked when a glass hit the floor shattering. That wasn't a signal or anything but that was enough to have the man spooked. He stood and grabbed her arm.
   "Come on."
   "What wait where are we going?"
   "Let's go somewhere more private."
   "But I should call my mom to let her  know where I’m going."
   "I thought you said that your mother doesn't know you're here?" He stared down at her then reached over and pulled off her hat. "You little bitch." He took off toward the door but stopped once there was someone there waiting for him. Quickly realising that he was trapped inside the little cafe he pulled out his gun and pointed it at Elise. Grabbing her he placed the gun to her head.
   "I'll fucking kill her! Let me out of this motherfucker!"
   "Okay man. Calm down." Sam one of Elise partners said. "Let her go and you can just leave."
   "No!" Elise yelled. "He goes to jail!"
   "Shut up bitch!"
   "Sam he doesn't get out of here free. We agreed on that. Shot him."
   "If I see a gun I put a bullet in her head. I want out of here now!"
   "Sam he kidnaped hundreds of girls. He sold them for his own greed. He doesn't care about the human race. Shot him." With that Sam dru his gun.
   "I'll fuckin kill her!" He yelled. They suddenly heard the sound of screeching tires and gunshots followed immediately after. "Did you actually think I was doing this on my own." He laughed. Taking the chance she head butted him and Sam took the shot hitting him in the head he then grabbed Elise and they ran to the back of the restaurant.
   "Abort the mission. Get out of here." Sam whispered threw his head phone. Once he hear the screeching tires he and Elise hid in the safety room that the manager showed them. He heard Elise heavy breathing and covered her mouth. "Shhhh." They heard a yell in distress and foot steps. It was the man partner's.
   "You killed my brother!" He yelled. They looked for them for ten minutes before the police came. For now they were safe but they had to get back to the U.S if they were to survive.
   "I'm sorry about this." Elise said as they rode back on the plane.
"Don't blame yourself for this. We all went on this mission together. It's no one's fault with what happened. I'm just glad we all got out of there safely. Now is a perfect time for a break. We got a bad guy and some kids were saved and that's all that matters." She rest her head on the head rest. She never thought she would be saying this again but boy was she really glad to be going home.

Hello I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Its was short but it explains basically what Elise does for a living. It's an important part of the story in general. Next chapter coming up right away also.

Sometimes it's best not to chase love but to allow it to come to you when the time is right.

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