Chapter 8: Genetics

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"The first exams aren't gonna be too hard, are they?" Izumi asked Naruto, who was standing next to his little sister figure. 

"I have absolutely no idea!" He announced proudly. "But knowing us, we can get through this!" Itachi let a small smile cross his face. 

"Oh? You have that type of confidence in us, Naruto?" Naruto glanced at his best friend and grinned, giving him a thumbs up. 

"Of course I do! We'll be coming home as Chunin!" Izumi grinned at her yellow-haired teammate. 

"Of course, we're the strongest here of course!" 

They were currently standing outside a large room where twenty other teams were currently standing, making sixty people in total being cramped into that room, the chatter being endless.

"I really don't want this to be the final exams already!" One teenager groaned as they rubbed the nape of their neck. "Kumo sure as hell defy the standards of the Chunin Exams, first testing our chakra then making it a two-part test!"  Naruto's ear perked up.

"Wait, do you mean we're doing the final exam here now?" He said, his eyes widening slightly. The Genin who had spoken was from Mist, which was rumored to be in the midst of a civil war, narrowed his eyes at Naruto. 

"That's what my sensei told me kid, but who the hell knows what these people want?" 

"These people? Are ya being racist right now?" Darui chimed in as he put his large hand on the Genin's shoulder, making the Mist Genin freeze. 

"N-Not at all, I meant you people as in the entire village, you guys are quite weird when it comes to exams! The only one I've ever taken has been in Sand!" He said frantically. Darui just smirked before patting the teen on the shoulder. 

"I'm just messing with ya, lighten up, this isn't the final exam, it's part of it, but this is just a preliminary of some sort." The Mist Genin, along with his teammates, rose his eyebrow.

"What do you mean?" 

"I would like to know as well," Itachi chimed in as he looked up at the dark-skinned teen with his coal-black eyes, an eery seriousness in them.

"Well, I mean that there are too many teams here, we're gonna all face against each other, whether its mano on mano or team against team, I'm not sure yet cause they haven't told me the details, all I know is that they're trying to narrow it down to at the very most twelve teams, though they might actually get a shorter roster depending on how things are set up." 

"Oh? We're fighting each other?" Izumi spoke in a tone filled with excitement. "I can't wait to beat up some older kid!" Naruto sweatdrop at that line. 

"You shouldn't be looking for approval as you beat up people who're bigger and older than you," He said in a deadpan. Izumi just giggled.

"I know, but it's gonna be so much fun I just can't wait!" Then, a voice on an intercom spoke up, alerting everyone in the room. 

"Will everyone come through the double doors at once! The Second Exam is underway!" 

Naruto looked at Darui with a confused expression.

"I thought you said this was gonna be a part of the final part?" Darui scowled. 

"I thought it was, my sensei must've been misinformed. Jeez, this sucks," Cee grunted as he elbowed his teammate in the ribs. 

"You're telling me? Just be on your guard at all times and expect the worse, you won't be let down that way!" Samui fought the urge to punch her fellow blonde teammate, but settled with glaring at him. 

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