❤️pizza with love ❤️

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I was in a deep sleep ..but i feel like something is moving beside me.I was about to fall from bed.I was so scared..but  i remembered ankith was the one who is cuddling .I got up ffrom bed.

Hello. Mr.ankit don't i have to sleep peacefully.I said  But got no response.

i patted on his shoulders and pushed him slightly.now i am having enough space to go to bed. I know he is a  sleepyhead.He used to take nap in every class and still he feels sleepy all the times.He was so cool before 4years ago.Now he is a dumb headed, arrogant demon always shouting at me.

( my poor heart doesn't listen to me ,i  put duvet on him carrassed his hair.He looks like a little baby and hugging my pillow.I really wanted to hug him tight.But i can't.
I don't know when will he realise my love for him..i 'll wait for that day with a lots of patience and loads of love).

I laid on bed and took my duvet and crossed my arms ,i was about to sleep but  Ankith wrapped his hands around me. i was startled. He turned towards me and hugged me.May be he is thinking I'm his teddy.Now i'm hyper excited.I closed my eyes for a while .I felt safe in his arms and don't want to get out of his arms.*what if he suddenly open his eyes and found hugging me??..he will hate me and himself ..and further i dont know what else can he do...I picked his arm and  placed it on  him.I let out a long sigh of relief and closed my eyes.

I woke up as alarm kept disturbing me,who turned on this i yelled..my sleep was gone far . Ankith you idiot,dumb ass ,how can you disturb my sleep.

i looked around the room.ankith was nowhere.(such a good news eaarly in the morning...devil is not at home)

Finally I'm going to have some free time .i was  dancing and jumping around laughing  like maniac.

I heard bathroom door opened ,
This Ankith guy ,won't ever let me be happy for a couple of. Minutes ..i said with sulking turned around

here comes my charming Prine......
With wiping his wet hair with a towel .I've been delighted .i guess my face is as bright as a  60 watt bulb.He had bathrobe , came near to me and  shaked his head ..all water droplets were on my face..now i  came into my trance.

"Done with checking ".he asked

He gave me a wink...(god...😯 Iam going insane. .)

i lowered my gaze and quietly walked out of the room.i leaned on wall and gulped ..Krithi calm down yourself.How could he do this to me???.i composed myself  and went to our room.

I looked at Ankith he is well dressed and grooming his hair ..He seems going somewhere ..fine I'm going to have a great food and lots of fun spared for me.i've done bathing and  came but Ankith left already.

I wanted to prepare a full of variety foods for lunch and quickly i got my ingredient list and went to near by
convenience store and got the required ones.It took me 2 hours to prepare everything.why did i even take this risk..i can even order every thing online?.but i wanted to eat homely food so i took this decision.
I made the dishes enough for two people.i knew that idiot will eat unhealthy foods.so i prepared for him but I'm not gonna invite or let him know that i saved some for him.

I Set the table with Butter chicken and naans and others i was so hungry and took my plate and started filling it

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I Set the table with Butter chicken and naans and others i was so hungry and took my plate and started filling it.. suddenly i heard door bell..

***Why always someone comes while i'm eating  ,i want to punch the guy who came and ringing door bell continuously***

I opened the door .. it's Ankith..
He didn't even paid a glance at me at walked to hall. such a cold hearted .. can't he even smile or look at me.

He looked at dinning table and went to his room.

My phone started ringing . it's varsha ,i happily picked the call and started talking to her.i was so busy in talking with her my door bell again rang...(I'm sure i will brake this bell at anytime.. it's irritating me so much.I opened the door.there i saw a man in tuxedo with broad smile.He greeted me

" hi krithika ,how are you".

"Hi ,I'm fine" i said with nervousness.

Ankith came down and screamed .."Nivin.. ,you are so early bro"...

"How could i not be early,when my sister invited me on lunch"...he said

When did I invited him to lunch,i don't even no him.. what's happening here.😲😲😲
My mind confused with random thoughts.i smiled at him


"She asked me to invite you to dinner".  ankith said .

"Thank you krithi,for invitating". it's been a long time since we had home made food.

(Now i understood everything,this stupid ankith invited him to dinner so that he can eat food.(he is giving me evil smirks at me).
Stupid..idiot...dumb head..ankith,you planned to steal my food..i wanna kill you...ankith😠😠😠😠😠 )

"I didn't come to your wedding and reception as it's a sudden plan,I'm feeling happy now. ankith buddy is really good man..you are so lucky".

(" Yeah ,I'm sooo lucky to be with this devil )

I smiled at Nivin.

Ankith said " shall we eat Nivin,I'm hungry".

"Yeah buddy" he said and both went to dinning hall.

I served them food.(my food😭😭😭😭).
"Why don't you eat with us" Nivin asked me.

Before i answer..ankith said she already had lunch.nivin.

(When did i had my lunch😭).

They both started eating ,Nivin and i had some conversation..i could smell chicken and filled my stomach with that fragrance.?(chicken).they completed eating and Ankith made  sure nothing left to eat for me.

Nivin and Ankith talked for 20minutes..and Nivin left home.As soon as he left mi shouted at Ankith.

"Ankith...why did you do this??".
"I said this is my house..and you challenged me to buy my own food .now it suits you ..starve your self".he said and went upstairs .

I was really angry now,but hungry too ..i went to kitchen and found a pizza box there.I was surprised and took and started eating it.it tasted heavenly. Ankith thank you ..i shouted.

(I felt so happy that he has some care for me in  his ice cold heart..even ice melts , can't he love me back.).

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