S- Sadistic/Schadenfreuder/Seductive

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🚬Chapter 1🚬

   I woke up to my mother scolding me from all the way downstairs in the kitchen.
"Shikamaru, don't make me get up there! You do this every day, when will you change?"
I rolled my eyes, 'Is this why women exist? To become mothers and annoy the shit outta you?' I asked myself before getting out of my bed.
My room was a mess, but I didn't care anyway. Once I leave something one way, it'll never go missing.
That's why I never clean it. Or maybe that's my excuse for never cleaning it.


  School, another inconvenience in my life.
Why does it exist?
Most teens barely graduate because they either get locked up, pregnant, or something else.
Don't get mad, it's the truth and truth hurts. You rather me lie instead?
No problem, it'll only hurt more when the truth unfolds.
I sat to the far end of the classroom and decided to tap out as class won't begin in the next thirty-forty minutes or so. Yes, I come to school early just so I can sleep some more. And to get away from my loud- mouthed mom.
I could take a pull or two but not right now. Right now I'm gonna spend time with my leading lady, nap time.
"Hey, what's up, Shika?"
Oh God, here comes Porkie. Choji.

Nothin' much." I replied, resting my head on the desk.


"Okay class, I have an assignment that has to be done in pairs." The kids in the class cheered, knowing who they'll pick.
"But I'll be doing the pairing off," The teacher added, the kids in the class sighed. I hope I don't get paired of with a girl.
"First I'll call your partners and then I'll explain the assignment.
Naruto Uzumaki- Hinata Hyuga
Choji- (lightning girl)
Sasuke- Sakura
Lee- Tenten
Kiba- (some girl)
Sai- Ino
Shikamaru- (Name)."
    I stole a glance at the girl I was paired with, you looked at me every now and then, your cheeks reddening every time you looked at me. Damn, I dislike you already.
"Both of you have to individually compose an Argumentative essay on the topic, 'Do You Believe In Love?' One will support, while another will oppose. Decide between yourselves. When accomplished, place it in a folder and have it on my desk by next week." 
"What a drag.." I mumbled to myself, rocking back on the chair with the wall supporting me from falling.

God, I need a cigarette..


    I slept through the first three periods, I would've slept through the entire day if someone didn't wake me up, that is.
"Um, Shikamaru?" A rather shy voice called my name.
I looked up, it was that blushy-blushy girl from English class.
"Yeah?" I asked in annoyance.
"Um, about the assignment..." I waved my hand to shut you up.
"Come at my place at six, we'll talk then."
"Okay." You nodded.
I could hear you walk away from my desk, 'Wow Shikamaru, you got a chick comin' over..' He thought sarcastically then chuckled, "Just my luck."


Narrator POV

    It was a few minutes past the hour of six, you were already at Shikamaru's door and you hesitantly knocked.
His mother answered, her bitter face lit up when she saw you and her pouty lips turned into a smile.
"Um, hi Mrs. Nara, I'm here to see your son. We have an assignment."
"Oh, come in." She welcomed you inside.
"Shikamaru, someone's down here for you!" She yelled.
His father appeared from the kitchen with a case of beer, he looked at you and gave you a mischievous smile.
"Here for Shikamaru, huh?"
"Yes, only for an-"
"That's my boy, going for the the fine ones."
"Um.." You were crowded by a group of people, especially kids. Maybe they were his brothers, or uis cousins? There were so many, but then you saw a symbol on the door and then you remembered that they were a clan.
"Cut it out, you're scaring her." He said, saving you from the mob of curious Naras by grabbing your wrist and dragging you upstairs.
    He released you when we made it to room.
You sat on the carpet near his bed, digging into your bag for a book.
he sat next to you but not too close, "So, are you opposing on the topic?"
"Okay then, I'll have to support on the topic." You said, jotting down a few things in your notebook.
You noticed that he wasn't doing anything.
"Are you not writing your Argumentative?"
"It's due next week so I have time." He lit a cigarette as he said so.
"Why are you smoking?"
"You are in my house, so."
He shrugged, deeply inhaling on it.
"What if I'm an Asthmatic?" He blew smoke from his nostrils, into your face.
You coughed while fanning your nose, "You aren't, I'm known for my smoking vice around school. So the teacher won't pair you with me if you actually were an asthmatic."
"Okay then, I'm not an asthmatic. But can you at least stop smoking?"
"You're in my house so, no."
"Okay then, why did you oppose against the topic." You changed the subject.
"Because, it's a drag."
"Evidence supporting this?"
"You date someone and immediately think they're the one, mostly that's a common mistake for you girls."
"Us girls?"
"Yeah, you girls are just to easy to get to."
"E- easy!?"
"Yeah, You're easy. You know what I don't understand, why you girls are so emotional about everything. If I were to do this," He leaned in close in on you, pinning your hands and bracing you against the bed.
Your breath hitched in your throat, heat rushing to your cheeks as he neared closer. "Shi.. Shika.."
He pulled away, "See? That proved my point.
You became both flustered and enraged that he did that and made a mockery of you.

You- you.. You sadist!" You shouted at him, picking up your book and stuffing it in your bag.
"Well if I'm a sadist then you're a masochist because you enjoy--" You shut his door before he finished what he said.
     "Leaving so soon?" His mother asked.
"Aw, did Shikamaru try to touch you?" His father mocked.
"N- no, it's pretty late and I don't wanna break curfew."
"Would you like Shikamaru to walk you home?"
"I'm fine, I don't live far from here. Goodnight Mr. And Mrs. Nara." You disappeared behind the door and hurried home.
"Hey!" Shikamaru called out to you from his window.  You looked up at his smirking face, "Don't let rapists know you're a masochist. You'll give them satisfaction that way."

"Ugh!" You turned your red face away from him and walked home, "That jerk!"

Shikamaru didn't know why but he did find pleasure in tormenting this girl, maybe he really was a sadist.


📌Author's Note

I apologize if anything Shikamaru said in this chapter had offended you, you see, Shikamaru is a very honest person and just doesn't care.

Also, this book is wholeheartedly dedicated to a fan of my work, LilKagurain. She's new on Wattpad so give her a little love please! She wrote her first book, 'Til Death, Do We Part', it's great so give her a follow, vote on her chapters and share her book. Make her feel welcomed!


Love's A Drag (ShikamaruXReader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora