I - Unwanted Outsider

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Unwanted Outsider

Foliage never covered anything on their undergrowth even after years to next

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Foliage never covered anything on their undergrowth even after years to next. The history and significance of each of one of them as if frozen in time, stilling the moment till the end of time, almost looking so real and fake if touched by hand.

Why were there so many statues?


Were they sculpted before?

There were cracks. Some intricate and some ugly. Showing how time has treated them, fallen limbs of the statues nowhere to be found while some laying without the other pieces. Statues whole, statues missing. It made her think they must be just an old millennia trapped inside, and she knows that is impossible without a proof on her hands.

What’s with the faces?

A statue stared right at her. Looking at her very soul with its horrified face. Olden age shown as cracks surrounding the eyes of the statue made itself known. Hollow and gray, but no doubt to be  animated in every depth that she can feel the gaze mirror to herself.

Are there so many craftsmen before Old Man Kaseki was born?

The statues spoke another. It didn't, silence farfetched yet standing along with these statues protruding out of the dirt towards the sky screamed another. They were everywhere where she laid her eyes on. Their stances, their expressions, their cracked fingers and missing limbs.

What if those statues were people before?

Questions blared with no answers.

What happened?

No dead man can tell the tale behind. Not a single one. If there was, they had been long dead before she was even born and woke up to take everything in this world she's living in. Barely even traces nor a living thing to make her discover this phenomena on her own. So she kept walking, thoughts and more questions arising faster than the morning sun.

Was there an attack? How did they turned into stone? What if there was a bigger entity attacked them? Are they really alive inside the stone?

Mere questions asked and no answers provided.

Questions rang inside her head as she walked down the path towards the village. Carrying a basketful of herbs and dead deer on her back, the curious woman strutted down the cliff through her settlement. Trips down up and above, the rays of the sun barely cutting through her hide as it didn't to her long blond hair reminding her of her race.

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