II - Hidden Gem

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Hidden Gem

"Now this is getting me excited!"

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"Now this is getting me excited!"

The storehouse that was once Chrome's was filled with excitement. An irony compared to the torment and caution the healer was left behind with the whole bomb the outsider left her with. She was right on not letting her guard down. In fact, she should have it higher than before.

It's either he was lying or not, the healer cannot be sure. She always knew there was a bigger enemy. The statues, the fact that they are the only people left, and now him. Nonsense or truth, the mere reason why the outsider came here by foot will mean something. One more reason not to end him just yet.

There are two things to consider to him.

With that scrawny physique of him, he can do little to heavy lifting, nor slamming his fist to an enemy. Even her sisters can manhandle him and easily throw him on the ocean floor if they wanted to. Just one snap and he'll be gone.

But he can use his head as an advantage. It might have been easy to get Kohaku and Chromium at his side for this is their first time meeting an outsider, merely because of their curiosity for a new face. And yet, he spoke of words of old healers of the village only knew. It took the woman aback, ruffling her feathers. And the outsider does knew what he was doing.

Testing the waters but not stepping over the line, because he knew she'd be there to engulf him completely with waves without mercy.

Why are you really here, outsider?

Her sharp gaze landed to Kinrou, who automatically knew what she meant and stood tall to guard the bridge before the village. Just as long as the outsider doesn't cross the bridge, and she won't be harming everybody. The older village guard stood upright and nodded back before proceeding to kick his younger brother named Ginrou in the shin to wake him up from napping in broad daylight.

Ignoring the three idiots inside the shed, the female said nothing but a warning to the village guards and walked back to her hut, itching her hands to finish what she left on her table. She has more things to do. The outsider can wait.


"Ohh!" Senku held a stone bird which caused the healer dilemma all over her existence. The same stone bird he used to trial and error to make the miracle liquid. It probably was from the same flock judging from the familiar ridges and the beak of the statue.

"Don't touch that, Senku! Those belong to Amy-nee and she said those are probably alive inside!" Exclaimed by Chrome. He was sweating his ass out, nagging Senku not to touch the healer's things so nonchalantly because he knew she'll woop his ass if one of them shattered to pieces.

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