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My alarm went off early as usual, I had to make breakfast for Skylee and change out my mother's laundry. She only had a few scrubs left after a very stressful week at the hospital. Today was the big day! Graduation. I needed to get myself ready, Sky ready and my mother ready to attend. Mom didn't get off until three this morning, and Sky was just lazy.

First thing I did this morning was step into the kitchen and start the coffee. I waited patiently, watching the sun rise from the kitchen window. It was a beautiful sight to see, on a day I will never forget. I cracked the window open to smell the dew. I would remember and cherish this tranquility. With a click, the coffee was done, and I poured myself a cup, adding just a little sugar and cream.

The mocha liquid scolded my tongue at first touch, but soon the heat enveloped my mouth, awakening every sleeping tastebud on my delicate palate. The taste of roasted caramel coffee, drenching my soul. It was heavenly. I took a few more sips before starting on breakfast. Today was a day for waffles, coated in sugar and peanut butter! Just thinking about it makes my mouth water.

I had about six mini waffles done before I went to wake Sky. She was so cute bundled up in her blanket, drooling. I snapped a quick picture on my phone as black mail for later. I snickered to myself, waking sleeping beauty. She brushed me off, rolling over until I told her waffles were ready. She took off downstairs without another word or incoherent mumble.

Next my mom.

I knocked on her door, seeing if she was still asleep. When I didn't get an answer, I opened her door, hearing a small squeak of protest from the hinges.

"Mom, coffee is ready and there's waffles downstairs." I softly spoke. Nobody likes to be rudely awakened. Especially when my mother just went to bed a few hours ago. But she insisted on me waking her, she wanted to spend the day with me. She hummed and stretched, still keeping her eyes closed. I left her to fall back asleep because that's what she needed.  She needed her rest, and I would be fine without her for a few more hours.

I walked back down the old stairs, seeing Sky shoveling waffles in her mouth. I then decided to joke with her.

"Wooo, Crikey look at Sky as she shovels food to her mouth." I said in an Australian accent. "What a beauty this one." Trying to sound as much like Steve Erwin as possible. "Watch as she takes yet another bite. I would avoid those teeth if I were you." I started to giggle while Sky looked at me. Annoyance but humor hidden behind her eyes. Before she opened her mouth showing me the gummy food substance. Gross. Making us both giggle.

"Coffee?" I mussed, setting a cup in front of her.

She nodded her head, thanking me. Her mouth looking like a chipmunk, it was adorable. I then got my plate, sat down and began to eat. My mouth loved the food and my tummy enjoyed the fill. What a great start to a great day! By the time Sky and I finished, my mother slumped down the stairs. I immediately grabbed her a cup of coffee and started making her plate.  Sitting it right at the head of the table.

The dark circles under her eyes looked hollow. She was beyond exhausted, but she wanted to push through. She's the boss, whatever she says goes, and she wanted to be with me. Sky and I talked back and forth about her classes yesterday and her getting ready for summer school. While my mom lazily ate and drank her coffee listening. I'm not sure what all she heard, because the next minute I looked over, she was sawing Z's.

I moved her coffee and plate, making sure if her head slipped from her hand, it wouldn't go plummeting into the sugar waffles down below. Sky and I got up, heading up stairs to get ready for the day. I had a beautiful navy blue fitted dress, and sandal wedges, picked out for today. Although not many would see it, the shoes looked super cute. Today I was to get my hair done, eyebrows waxed, professional make up, manicure and pedicure. I was getting the whole works with my mom, and Sky of course. This day was for us, my graduation, Sky not failing her first year and my mom just needed a day.

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