three | babysitting

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"You want ice cream?" Ophelia asked, "my treat."

"I don't like ice cream," Snape answered as he looked at anything but her.

"Come on, everyone likes ice cream," Ophelia laughed.

"I don't," Snape spat.

"I'm gonna get you one anyway, so you might as well tell me your favorite flavour."

"I told you, I don't like it," he snarled.

"I'll just have to guess then," Ophelia sighed.

Ophelia's father had asked her to assist Snape in an errand he had to run in their muggle town. She had refused at first, but when her father became aggressive she reluctantly complied. They were sitting in a muggle cafe, waiting for the store to open.

"Here, it's blueberry," Ophelia handed him the cone.

"You are insufferable," Snape huffed.

Ophelia rolled her eyes but decided to ignore the comment. "You don't think I know why you're doing this?"

"Doing what?"

"Letting me come with you, taking me to get ice cream."

"If I remember correctly, it was you who took me to get ice cream," he replied and she thought she saw a smile playing on his lips. "Besides, your father was the one who wanted you here with me," he said and took a bite, yes bite, out of his ice cream.

She watched him closely as he swirled it around in his mouth, trying to decide if he liked it or not. He swallowed slowly and then took another bite. She smiled at him, satisfied.

"So, what are we doing in the store?" She asked and put a spoonful of her own ice cream in her mouth.

"We are not doing anything," he sneered, "you will stay outside and wait for my return."

She frowned, "you dragged me all the way out here just so I could wait outside like some dog?"

Snape nodded.

"So in reality, you're just babysitting me," she huffed.

"I will not deny, nor confirm, anything," Snape said and finished his ice cream.

"Well, I'm not going to sit around and wait for you," Ophelia stood up and threw her empty cup in the trash. "So you can either bring me to the store, or I'm going to leave right now and you can explain to my father why I didn't come home with you."

"I believe, Miss Delisle, that is called blackmailing," Snape scoffed, a little surprised of her slytherin qualities.

"No, Professor, I prefer to call it an agreement," Ophelia smirked and followed him out of the cafe. "You let me come with you to the shop, and I won't leave your ass out in the cold," she said and she swore she heard him chuckle.

Snape cleared his throat, "fine."

She put her hand through his arm as they walked down the street, catching a few strange looks from muggles who probably thought they were a couple. Snape wasn't that much older than Ophelia, however, the lines on his face probably made it look like he was. Ophelia bit her bottom lip, trying to suppress her laughter as she watched him frown in irritation.

"You have three seconds to remove your hand before I do it for you," he hissed under his breath.

"Come on, Professor," Ophelia grinned, "it's just a bit of fun."

"I do not believe that any of this is funny, Miss Delisle," Snape growled.

"Come on," she groaned, "loosen up, will you?"

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