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It takes a moment for Nate to pick up on what's going on in the backseat. It's not until I say, in a voice steadier than my heart beat, "Nate, pull over."

Only when he glances up into the rear view mirror does he see what's going on. He grabs Emmi's arm before she can see what all the fuss is about, and whispers something about keeping her eyes on the road so he doesn't crash.

I never take my eyes off Liam, and his gaze never leaves me either, not even when the Humvee rolls and then jerks to a stop. He keeps the gun trained on me until he undoes his seatbelt, opens the door and backs out of the car; he only puts it away when Nina moves with him and blocks his way.

And of course I can't help it; I throw off my seatbelt, yank open the door and round the back of the Humvee to confront Liam. "I did not kill your sister," I say. "She was killed by those men she wanted you to get away from!"

"They only shot her because you were trying to chop King into tiny little pieces!" Liam retorts. Despite the gun still in his hand, he doesn't point it at me anymore. Instead, he jabs in my direction with his index finger. "This only happened because you showed up!" he shouts. "You put that stupid idea in her head that we could be saved!"

Everyone is outside the Humvee except for Emmi and Dog. Nate makes sure she stays in the car, in case something – let's hope not a shooting – happens. He rounds the Humvee and moves to stand behind me like a shadow.

"I didn't put any idea into her head!" I exclaim. "She handcuffed me to a fucking shelf so she could get you and get Emmi!"

"You are full of shit," Liam snaps. He jabs his finger at me again in case I forget who he's angry with. "I hope you die a slow and painful death, you cunt."

In all my life I've never been called the 'c word' to my face. Maybe someone's thought that about me, but never muttered the word out loud.

I lunge at Liam and strike him across the face, my knuckles making contact with his cheekbone. Whether or not he expected it, it doesn't matter; he hits me back, a punch that catches my jaw. I fall to my knees, pain lancing through me, my breath caught in my throat. I clutch my jaw.

Many different things happen then, first of which is Nate moving around me like a blur and striking Liam down with such force he falls onto his back a few good metres away.

"Walk away," Nate growls. He stands over Liam like a predator, just waiting for the word that will make him strike again. "Walk it off before you do or say anything more stupid."

Liam climbs to his feet and spits blood. "You would defend her," he says, wiping his nose on his sleeve. He smiles despite the blood pouring down his face, into his mouth. "Because if you say otherwise she won't fuck you – or better yet, she might just lose your idiotic daughter again."

Nate lunges at Liam again but Lindsay gets between them before a punch-on can start. He shoves Nate back as well as Liam.

"Walk it off," Lindsay says to his brother, enunciating each word. "Now."

This time he listens. "Fine," Liam says, but everything's not fine. He raises his arms in mock surrender as he steps away. "Fine. You can stay here and play at friends with this bitch. But I am not for one second going to stand around here and accept that she didn't have a hand in Eva's death – your sister."

And with that, he turns and walks away to the nearest grove of trees, cursing loudly under his breath as he kicks at whatever crosses his path.

Lindsay turns to Nina, who is nothing short of shocked. Her face is pale and streaked with tears. "I think you should go with him," he says quietly. "He'll listen to you."

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