Tiger, Tiger: Chapter 12

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Hellllloooo :D

I uploaded an extra chapter this week to keep you lovely fans happy, so this is a little different and is just something sweet for your entertainment..... enjoy xx


I was growing tired after a bland, measly meal that had done nothing to sate my hunger, curled up against the glass wall, when I heard a voice in my mind. It sounded like two whispers overlaid and was obviously not meant for myself. Other shifters and Weres nearby caught her message too, eyes flickering to the source.

‘Maya?’  Camille’s voice whispered to the woman in the corner, ‘Will you tell me another story tonight?’ Her voice was soft and filled with innocence.

Maya chuckled out loud. She exuded sunshine, with her warm skin and luscious brunette curls. ‘If you’d like me to sweetheart. I’m guessing the others wish to listen too, no?’ she smiled.

There was a shuffle of embarrassment from the shifters and the Weres settled back against the walls. It seemed like Maya had told stories to the group many times before. Grinning, Camille settled herself in her mother’s lap, looking oblivious to her surroundings. Sally shifted her weight and leant against the back wall, pressing her cheek into Camille’s soft curls. The room was silent in anticipation as Maya closed her brown eyes and thought for a second, before smiling to herself and beginning. Her voice was the velvety smooth tone of a true story teller.

‘The Mother could be anything she wanted. She was nature and nature was she. The Mother wove the lands with love and care, filled the oceans with her tears, and placed each star into the sky. The creatures she blew breath into were her children. Some were as pure as the Mother herself and they too, could be anything they desired. They soared through the blue skies, prowled through the glowing forests and dived in the sapphire seas. They were powerful and brave, ruling the homeland in peace.

Then the Mother had other children who had only one form - lightening fast cheetahs, loyal wolves, powerful buffalo, panthers that stalked the forests, even elegant horses-‘

“Maya! That’s Mummy and me!” Camille interrupted. Sally and Maya laughed for a second, before Sally quietened Camille and Maya went on.

‘These Werehorses were especially beautiful, powerful and kind. They and the other children lived in peace for many, many years, until new children arrived. The original children welcomed their new brothers and sisters with open arms and hearts, but the humans were afraid. The Weres and Shifters were very powerful and the humans were not. The new children became twisted with jealousy and fear. They fought against the original children and tried to use their powers.’

“Were they evil?” Camille asked.

‘Very much so,’ Maya nodded, ‘but only because they let the fear and greed for something they had not been gifted with rule them. Fate spoke of two great warriors that would bring peace once again. One had eyes the colour of the deepest ocean and the other, that of a lush summer meadow. These warriors held the Mother’s true power, pure and strong. So, with their family, they came to the original’s aid. They met with the Werehorse’s princess and the rulers of other families who agreed to do all they could to help.’

Maya was obviously expecting a question from Camille and paused. Camille’s eyes were wide. “A princess?” she asked quietly, “What did she look like?”

‘Oh, the princess was very beautiful. She had the biggest sky blue eyes and the blondest curly hair in all of the Mother’s land,’ Maya said smiling, ‘And her name was Camilla.’  

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