#7 «In remembrance»

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I quietly weep
As I find myself yearning

For the shores
Of my beloved Salamis

The muffled sound of
Restless waves

Those peaceful
Clear blue waters

I fall to ground
As instant grief
To consume me

The sudden shift
When peacefulness

Amongst settlers
And their parish

Turns to fear
And disbelief

As dreams and hope
Are shattered
Webster's definitions:

Yearning (deep longing, esp. when accompanied by tenderness or sadness)

Salamis (an island off the SE coast of greece, W of Athens, in the Gulf of Aegina)

Waters (the sea or seas bordering a particular country or continent or located in a particular part of the world)

Settler (a person who settles in a new country or area)

Parish (an ecclesiastical district having its own church and clergyman)

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