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Sebastian went out for the walk. Even as he reached the foyer of his building, the guard and stray people looked at him apprehensively, as if he could burst into some violent action. Sebastian took no notice and went out. It was warm outside, but he liked it. A breeze was blowing and he could feel it on his cheeks. He walked towards the shop.

The shopkeeper was surprised to see Sebastian walk in. He went up to him and enquired:

"Sir, what a pleasant surprise; you did not come for the last two days."

"I was not feeling well, but I am ok now."

"Sir, is it true; a dead lady in your flat?"

"Yes; it is true. But I do not know the lady or how she happened to be in my flat."

"Sir; you must be having a tough time with the police. They will not understand how good you are. They will harass you. Sir, it is unfortunate that the body was found in your flat. Did you leave the keys with anyone else?"

"No, I always carry the keys with me."

"Sir, you remember? You had once dropped your keys in my shop accidentally. You remember how my boys found the keys beneath the shelf and gave them to me. You remember how I concluded the keys must be yours and returned them to you?"

"Of course, how can I forget? I was getting so worried about missing the keys. I searched and searched for three hours before your boy came to me with them."

"Sir, you must have duplicate keys and give it to someone you trust. That way, even if one set is lost, you will not have to break into your flat."

"Oh yes; true; I will remember."

"Sir, is it possible that someone got your keys and put the body inside without your knowledge?"

"No, no; that is not possible. I never part with my keys."

"Sir then how a body can be brought into your flat. I tell you, sir, you might have forgotten about it. You must have given the keys to someone. Maybe he made a duplicate key."

"No. The only time I missed my keys was at your shop. Did you make any duplicate of my keys?"

"Impossible. You must be joking."

"I was; well give me the bill."

Sebastian walked out of the shop towards the sea. It was almost evening and a strong breeze was blowing. The sea face was already having its customary visitors; couples who came here for some emotional moments of togetherness. He sat facing the sea and wondered about his life. What would happen to him now? The police wanted a killer and he suited their description. He was single, reclusive and mysterious. No one cared or bothered if he were declared the killer and sent to the gallows. The police would have successfully solved the crime. He would not bother about it himself. He was dead anyway to the world.

He decided to meet his uncle. He stayed in Bandra, though he had not gone there for a long time now. He got up and briskly walked away from the sea.

His uncle almost fainted at his sight. He was an old man now and not keeping good health. His two sons looked after his business. He owned a garage which was managed by the elder son and a spare parts shop was managed by the younger son.

"Sebastian! How shocking! Is it you or some ghost?"

"Uncle Robert. It is me indeed."

"So finally you decided to walk out of your grave."

As they settled down, Sebastian told his uncle about the recent turn of events. "I am telling you all this because I may be arrested any time now. If I am put away for the rest of my life, I want you to take care of the property and money I have."

"What nonsense; nothing will happen to you. You are not a murderer. But I agree the situation looks grim. You must blame yourself for this; look at what you have done with your life. You are barely conscious of the world around you, cut off as you are from everyone. Whatever happens, we are with you. Let me speak to Tom and Adrian about this. They will know what to do."

Sebastian realized what a blunder he had made, cutting himself off from his family. When he lost his wife, he did not know how to handle her death; his parents had wilted under the pressure of guilt; he did not know how to handle them, and had let them die. After they went, he had killed himself, not knowing how to handle life. He realized how important it was to be part of a crazy world with all its defects than be out of it.

He returned to his flat, happy for the first time in his life.

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