Chapter 28: Personal Questions

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Akira POV

"Do you know where to go?"

I don't answer, instead glancing down the forked passages. Admitting now that I don't, in fact, know what I'm doing seems like admitting defeat. At the moment, I'm completely making it up as I go. Perhaps not the best choice when I have an extremely perceptive companion with me.

Obi chuckles from beside me, clapping me on the shoulder. "So you don't know. That's fine, it's this way." He turns and begins walking down one of the passages, pausing to turn back to me. I scowl as he grins giddily at me. Huffing, I walk to his side.

"Where to?" I ask, avoiding his gaze. Even without looking at him, I know Obi is beaming. He points down the passage and begins setting off in the direction. "This way," Obi says in a singsong voice. I follow after him, one step behind.

"So," Obi starts, slowing down until he is in pace beside me, "are you used to getting into fights?" It seems as if he's trying to fill in the silence of our walk. I watch him wearily for a moment, a small lazy smile on his lips.

I look away, sighing. "Yes," I answer. "I was picked on a lot growing up, so there was no avoiding fights. But after coming here to Clarines, I haven't gotten into a fight until now—" I stop myself, thinking back on the incidents I have been involved in since coming here. Obi stares curiously at me, wondering why I stopped so suddenly. Sheepishly, I redirect my gaze away from his. "Never mind that thought, I've been in several incidents since coming here."

"How many?" he asks, now interested in what I have to say. I purse my lips for a moment, counting the incidents before reluctantly answering.

"Three, including yours."

Obi laughs lightly. "You consider me an incident?"


"In what way?"

"In the way that you put both mine and Shirayuki's lives at risk. Any more questions?" I purse my lips impatiently, trying to cut the conversation short. I am surprised when Obi does answer.

"Yes, in fact I do. Where are you from, Akira Kazumi?"

I abruptly stop walking, my hand itching for my kendo sword that isn't there. Obi continues walking ahead without me for a moment before stopping to give me a curious look. I give him a hard stare for a moment, almost glaring, before I continue walking. When I pass him I don't wait for him to walk with me.

"I'm from nowhere," I state, not looking at him.

"Everyone is from somewhere."

"It would be best to not bother asking those kinds of questions, mister mercenary, because you won't be getting an answer."

"Is there a reason why, little Kit?" Obi asks lightly, almost in a joking manner. I scoff, finally turning to face him.

"Other than obvious distrust?" I ask rhetorically. "Yes, actually, there is. Everyone keeps a secret or two, I know you have plenty you'd be hesitant to tell. I have things I don't like to talk about so if you'd be so kind to not ask about my homeland, I'd appreciate it, mister mercenary."

"Still not on a first name basis?" he asks, avoiding my reply deftly. He taps his chin in mock thought. "Mister mercenary isn't that bad of a name, I guess. Though I'd prefer Obi to it any day."

"You'll soon be disappointed then," I reply, facing forward again. Before he could reply he stops himself as we near a door with a sign hanging on it. After a slight pause, he nods to it. "This is the place." I can only sigh inwardly with relief.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2020 ⏰

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