Chapter 34

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aru2019 fadeeabubakar sirla-aThis is for you guys. Keep the lovely comments coming🥰🤗


My mind was preoccupied with what mom said.

Am I ready to go back to him?

Don't be silly Farah, he's your husband. my inner mind tells me.

I wrapped a hijab on my head, I need to cool off my mind. My legs are now better I have nothing to worry about.

"Mom I will be right back, I'm going to take a walk," I shouted enough for her to hear, as she's in the kitchen.

"Okay take care of yourself" she answered back.

I inhale a sharp breath feeling the cool breeze. Finally, I've been out after staying at home for a while. I sat down on the empty bench letting a smile out of my lips. As I glance up to the sky, I close my eyes feeling some sort of relief. I felt a presence beside me, turning my face, my eyes met with Jawad. First time seeing him after the incident at the hospital. His face looks different with more stubble laid on his jaw, wrinkles under his eyes. he looked so pale.  I stand up immediately realizing what I'm doing. I started walking towards the direction of Allah knows where.

Shit! Why am I nervous.

"Listen to me please Farah." He said following behind me.

"What do you want," I said emotionless.

"Please Farah listen to me."

"I don't want to listen to anything you have to say." I spitted feeling anger boiling inside me. I turned around but stopped when I feel a pair of warm hands holding my arm. I can't resist how his touch is affecting me, I miss being close to him.

"Please Farah just for 5mins." He whispered. I can't help being weak by his words. I spot his car a few inches away from us, without saying anything, I walked to his car and got inside he followed me and enters also.

An awkward silence fell on us, the type of silence that you feel when you are short of words. I fiddled with the hem of my gown.

"If you have nothing to say, there is no need in wasting my time." I finally said breaking the silence.

"I don't know to start." A chuckle escapes from his lips. "Actually I'm not used to this." I turned my face towards the window, I can feel his gaze on me.

"Farah Don't leave me please, I know I did  a lot of bad things to you in the past, but I've changed I'm not the same Jawad as before." He reached for my hands and place it just below his heart.

"Can you feel my heartbeat, whenever I'm close to you it beat faster, you have no idea how much I'm feeling right now."

"I love you, Farah."

Time seems to stop for a moment. His words sent sparkles down my body. My heart rate increase I couldn't believe my eyes.

He loves me

my husband loves me

had it been he confessed early, I would've been the happiest woman but I can't shake off what happened out of my head.

Looking into his eyes I found myself lost in them. I feel like touching his face to feel his skin. we stayed like that for what seems like forever until I realized what I was doing, I realised my hands from his hold and turn my face away.

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