13 - You're fucking crazy

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Kiona's POV

+ not edited

It was I think day 5 here? Meaning three more days if I counted this one. I wanted to be back home in my apartment where I could have silence if I wanted. It was always loud and noisy, someone's phone was always ringing, people were talking and don't even get me started on how loud the security system's room was.

I was supposed to stay out of there according to Adrian but, I don't listen.

"You're going to work with me." Jackson barges in my room.

"I could've been naked!" I shout pushing him out.

"Oh what a sight that would've been huh, but you weren't." He says. "We leave in ten. Don't try to argue it please and you start working actually in two days anyway. So...how about you get a feel for it today?" He says twirling the keys in his hand. In a blue suit this time, also fitted to perfection, he looked good.

"Mmm, no. Can I stay with Luca or something and my children." I ask picking up Milo. It seems like Milo's my favorite, no it was just that he was the only one I could pick up.

He sighs pushing his hair back. "What's it with you and Luca? Didn't I tell you you're safer with me literally anywhere?" He says. I frown nodding. I'm sure Luca could handle his own though.

"But it's so boring, I hate it. And I have to work there all week starting very soon."

"How about I take you down to your department to meet the people? And then I'll make it more interesting?" He says smirking.

"You're gross. I hate meeting new people, I'm awkward at least at first but then I'll be fine, but I hate working with other people! And if I see that bitch Amiya, and she says something to me I won't hesitate to put her in her place."

"It's Ansley and yea yea yea let's go. Yesterday nothing even happened between you and her. Wait...did something happen?" He asks picking up my bookbag.

"No... not at all, she's going to be my bestfriend!" I say skipping down the stairs past him. I run to the kitchen because Luca promised me pancakes. "Woah you actually got them." I say excitedly hugging Luca. He smiles nodding.

"Luca's always eating garbage food. Disgusting." Jackson says sitting at a stool. "Alright let's go, take it with you, I have a meeting as soon as I get there. Be glad that I'm not making you sit in it with me." He glances at me. I wasn't dressed anywhere near close for going to work with him.

Black sweatpants, Bordeaux colored retro air Jordan's twelves and a top to match my shoes, I was more ready to go play basketball. It literally feels like bring your child to work day every day I'm here, even if it was only my third time.

I walk in behind him putting my bookbag on no longer getting stares from people when I was first here. He presses floor 17 and I remember that he said we'd meet my department.

It was 815 to be exact and this building was packed with people. He walks out and I follow him. "Good morning staff!" His booming voice makes it go silent making everyone turn. Eyes flicker to me and I hated it.

"This is Miss Kiona James and she's the head of the tech department for now. If you have computer problems go to her. I know you remember your computers crashing or whatever happened to them a few days ago, she fixed it." He says getting stopped by applause, yeaaa I really hated attention from large crowds.

"By the way you'll be working with other departments too, software engineer right? You can help develop some things." He leans down to me. "That's what you'll be doing most of the time anyway," he says and I was fine with that. Making new shit and advancements in tech was always fun for me.

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