Chapter 10

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THEY SAT DOWN IN the farthest seats right in the middle. The view of the screen was perfect, and it seemed like they would be alone at the back, which made her relax into her seat. She wouldn't be self-conscious about sitting next to complete strangers.

The screen was still white as more people came in. A couple of minutes later, the projector turned on and the thirty minutes of commercials started playing.

Kyle leaned towards her, "can you bring out the goods?"

"Depends what goods you mean?" She giggled when he groaned. He placed his forehead on her shoulder, ruffling his hair ever so slightly.

"You're impossible."

"That's what happens when you go to the back of the movies." She shrugged before pulling out her bag, motioning him to dig in to get his candies.

"We're not high-schoolers."

"Doesn't make us any less hormonal," she teased. He groaned again, refusing to make eye contact with her. He shook his head as a new movie trailer shone on the screen.

The movie started and Sierra snuggled closer to Kyle. He didn't stiffen or tense up, so she took it as a good sign. In fact, he sprawled out on the seat, that was a bit too small for his height, eating his sour candies, as if he thoroughly enjoyed his time spent with her.

She stuffed her hands into the pocket of his hoodie, and decided to pay attention to the movie instead of him. After ten minutes of watching the protagonist meet up with who seemed to be the love interest, she couldn't stop herself from thinking about Kyle.

He bounced his leg in a random rhythm as he continued to eat his treats. He was there so nonchalant, more invested into the movie than she was. She was too busy freaking out over how handsome he looked in those sweatpants. Guys wearing sweatpants should be illegal because damn.

Stop that, Sierra, that is objectifying, she thought. She could acknowledge his good looks and leave it at that. No need to go over to the creepy side.

She knew she liked to tease and joke about drooling over boys and making little insinuations here and there, but she was never one to actually go through the experience of wanting to drool. There was a first for everything.

Finally, she figured she should focus on the movie instead; that way her mind would stop overthinking every little detail. She ate her chocolates as the couple on the screen spent time together holding a cue stick between them.

Her heart yearned for a love like that; minus the illness, she didn't wish that on anyone. She wanted someone who would go to the ends of the Earth to be with her, to love being around her. Everyone she dated in the past was average in every way. She loved being around them, but they never showed the same interest. And that made her overthinking worse. After her first year of college, she swore off dating until someone worth-while came along.

That was yet to happen.

Anyway, she had other things to worry about, like her rent for instance. After two weeks of working every day, waking up at the ass crack of dawn, and coming back to her apartment a few hours before midnight, she was finally seeing an increase in her savings. She had a long way to go, but it was nice to see progress, no matter how small. She still had over a month to go, so she was certain she'd be able to prevail with her current routine.

However, there were days where she wanted to bust her head open after working twelve hour shifts. Sometimes she'd be ready to flop onto her bed and pass out until the next day, but then she'd realize she had an assignment due and freak out.

Those freak-outs were becoming much more frequent, and she already found herself missing some assignments. Studying had gone down the drain. The only material she was able to learn was when she was in class taking notes and listening to her professors. She did her best to grasp every piece of information, sometimes she'd be the only one asking questions in front of the class because she knew she wouldn't have time to look it up after. Right after she was done with her classes, she'd go straight to the café until eight o'clock at night.

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