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It was springtime again. Faye and Irwin moved back to the place that got them together five springs earlier and they'd visit their children and grandchildren from time to time or the opposite. Eugene grew up to learn how to respect his people, he was taught that once you have a strong relationship with those you're in charge of, you'd have a strong kingdom right under your command. However for Irene, she fell in love with the head of the royal guards, Alvin's son Elex, back when she was still fifteen and he twenty-three, their love grew over the years and in the end, when the princess came to age, she refused all those who asked for her hand in marriage and married the one her heart fluttered for.

So, when the sun was going down, Irwin and Faye now old and seeing the fruit of their love running around them, they grew with contentment as their souls united. They were together, in their rocking chairs, beside their home in the clearing behind the woods, they held hands and gave life one last goodbye as the child on the edge of the forest faded before Irwin's eyes.

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