six: Grayson fucking Wells

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She had just looked away, but I could still picture her huge brown eyes looking at me. She seemed confused and uncomfortable. I had been watching her, I was surprised at the amount of words she knew to Cody Sutton's songs, especially for a girl. It was obvious that almost every girl there, was there to get laid. But not the girl with the black hair. She was a fan.

I saw the two guys move behind the girl and her friend. I wasn't surprised when the friend began grinding on the taller guy. I was just watching to make sure the second guy didn't get the same idea. I didn't even know this girl but I felt like I just needed to make sure she was alright.

I'm not usually like this but I recognised the guys that they are dancing with. They were not good guys.

I thought I'd seen the brown haired guy try to touch the girl a few times. Each time I'd had to clench my fists or shove them in my pockets.

I'm not the dancing type, so every time Cameron nudged me to join them while they were jumping or forming mosh pits, I just shrugged him off and turned my attention back to the stage, or the girl.

This time, when I return my focus to the girl, I saw her pushing the guy's hands off of her waist. My teeth clenched and my fist were in tight balls deep in my pockets. I could feel the anger burning up inside of me.

'Bro, are you good?' Theo was standing in front of me, waving a hand in front of my face. I had obviously zoned out, trying to think of anything but that boy's filthy hands. 'You look, kind of, angry.' Theo, and the rest of the boy, knew about my outbursts, and they knew I couldn't really control them.

'I'm fine.' I lied through gritted teeth. They left me to it, trusting that I was fine.

I made the mistake of glancing back over to where the girl was dancing. She was now squirming trying to get out of his grasp. He was gripping her wrists, and I could see her mouth moving, begging him to let go. When he finally let go of her, she put her hands on his chest and shoved him. It didn't make much of an impact since he was so big compared to her. He smiled down at her. He grabbed her again, his hands firm on her waist. He spun her round and pulled her into him. He started to dance again, with her pressed up against his body. Her scared eyes were flicking around the room. Eventually they landed on me for a split second.

That was all I need to make me march over to them. I shoved through the crowd, people were complaining that I'd pushed them. I could hear my mates calling my name but I ignored them. By now, her friend had noticed and had stopped grinding on that other guy. She tried to shove the guy off of the girl but that made no difference.

When I reached the girl, she looked up at me, desperate. I looked up from the girl and threw a punch that hit the boy square on the nose. I was taller so I automatically had the upper hand. His head flipped back from the impact of my punch and he cried out in pain. The blow had forced him to let go of the girl and she ran into the arms of her friend. The guy was now facing me again with his fists held up, ready for a fight. I swung at him again, knocking him to the ground where he stayed, holding the side of his head in pain.

The blonde guy walked up to me, smirking. 'Grayson fucking Wells.' He spat.

'Yeah, and who the fuck are you?' I returned.

Without answering, he swung at me but I saw it coming and managed to dodge his punch. I kicked him in the shin causing him to curse. He recovered quickly and punched me in the gut and then straight to my nose. It hurt but adrenaline took over my body and I punched him, knocking him to the ground. I bent down, punching his face. My hands were now covered in blood and his nose was already slightly deformed.

'Stop!' A girl cried from behind me. I felt two hands tug on my arm which caused me to look up. It was the girl. She looked me in the eyes. Close up, I could see that her eyes had gold flicks in them. Her face showed panic and concern but she continued to pull on my arm until two more sets of hands lifted me off the guy laying on the floor. All the while, the concert was still on going, I couldn't hear the groans coming from the boys on the floor. I knew it was two of my mates who had picked me up, I could hear Theo and AJ's voices, but I didn't look away from the girl. I was panting and I could feel blood dripping from my nose.

The girl was still holding eye contact with me, she was panting too. Probably from the fear of what just happened.

'Thank you.' She spoke so quiet that I could hardly hear her, but as I read her lips I knew what she said. It made me mad that she had thanked me. For what, almost beating a guy to death? He deserved what he got, but my anger got the better of me and I hated myself for it.

Without a word, I yanked my arms out of Theo and AJ's grasps and left the building.

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