Chapter 16

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Jaxson's POV

I haven't showered in a week. I haven't left this chair other than to use the bathroom. I can't leave knowing that Lilly won't be leaving with me.

My Beta, Marcus, walks into the room. "Alpha, please take care of yourself, that's what Lilly would want."

"How would you know what she would what?" I respond angrily.

"In the short time that I've known her, I know she cares about you and your happiness. She cares so much about you, she would hate to see you like this."

I know he's right. Wanting to look okay when she wakes up, I cave and go to my room in the pack house. Everyone I pass gives me solemn smiles and prayers. I hate the pity, but I know they just care about their Luna, even though they've never met her.

I take a shower and brush my teeth, doing everyone a favor. They don't have to smell me anymore. Dressing in new clothes I rush back to Lilly, wanting to be there when she wakes up.

I arrive and sit back into my spot right by her bed. I hold her hand, wanting my contact to hopefully soothe her and help her wake up. The doctor said that the nutrients we have been giving her, through an IV, will help her wake up sooner.

I wait all day, and Lilly gets many visitors. My Gamma, Liam, and his mate, Lana, come and talk to her. They talk about what working together is going to be like and how excited they are to meet her.

Cara comes, and tells her all about how the pack has been missing her. Of course Marcus stops by, he also cares deeply for Lilly. They've only had brief encounters because I've been hogging all of her attention.

My Mom, Serena, and Dad, David, come to say hi. My Dad cries when he says, "I'm sorry my first time meeting you is when you're in a coma." He feels awful that they haven't had a chance to meet before now. He was helping another pack, the Royal Moon pack.

They've been targeted by the rogues that attacked them many years ago. They stole something of importance from them but we don't know what. They kept that information to themselves.

After everyone leaves, I say what has been on my mind since the first day I met Lilly. "Since the first time I locked eyes with you, I felt my world stop. From them on, I knew that my world will only revolve around you. You are the light of my life and I can't imagine you not waking up. I never even got to show to the pack. They would love you so much, just as much as I love you. I love you, Lilly."

After my confession, I close my eyes and rest my head on her bed, intending to fall asleep. That is until I hear, "L-love... me?"

Just hearing her voice makes me cry. I start sobbing ugly tears, just so happy that she's awake. It's been a hard week without her, I'm so glad she's back.

"Yes I love you. It's a term that people use when they have really strong feelings for each other. It's a way to show your affection and how much you appreciate someone. I love you," I try to explain, with tears coming out of my eyes.

"W-well... I love y-you... also."

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