chapter one

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petra took off with tears rolling down her face, she ignored the calls of her dear friend, elaine. she wouldn't come back, ever. this was it, when she crossed the territory lines she was gone.

'of course he picked his mate over her,' she thought to herself as she ran past the line. she kept going and going until she reached a place that used to be so familiar to her. her childhood home.

"petra what is going on!" an older woman with white long hair came running out of the home, "i could feel your anger in the air." petra smiled, just who she needed, her mother.

"oh mom," she melted into her mother's arms and cried. her mother held onto her tightly, combing her hair with her fingers and saying soothing words.

"come inside my child," petras mother led her into the home and they took a seat in the sitting area.

"now tell me what has happened," azrael asked again.

"he chose her, he chose her over me." petra sobbed.

"what else did you expect.. that is his mate," azrael responded.

"I don't know mother, i guess i expected him to pick me because we have more history than he does with her." petra spat.

"you will find your person when the time comes and he won't leave," azrael said hopefully.

"yeah until then.. i have to share something with you," petra took her mother's hand and placed it on her stomach. her mother's eyes opened wide, "it can't be." azrael stood up and started mumbling under her breath looking through her bookcase for something she didn't even think existed. her hand skimmed the books on the shelf so quickly, until she reached one, the book was a deep purple w gold words written on it. the words were written in a language petra didn't understand. azrael opened the book, looking for answers.

"a witch hasn't been with a wolf in centuries, i honestly forgot it was even possible." azrael finally said and placed the book on the table.

"so what does this mean?" petra asked.

"we must see the high priest, axel." azrael responded and grabbed her silver robe.

"follow me," azrael took petras hand and they were out the door. as petra followed her mother down the street of her old village, she saw familiar faces that would wave at her or give her a look of surprise. she hasn't been back here in ten years.

"azrael! how lovely it is to see you," a woman with short black hair walked up to them.

"oh alexandra, how have you been?" azrael greeted her with open arms.

"oh you know the usual, dealing with my trouble makers." alexandra laughed pointing out two twins who looked about ten years old. "boys say hello," the two boys looked up, their eyes sparkling.

"hello!" they both said in unison.

"you know how rare it is to have twins in a coven," azrael reminded petra, who nodded in response.

"petra! where have you been," alexandra said as if she just noticed petra standing there.

"oh you know.. here and there," petra didn't know what to say, she just up and left their coven to go "find herself" is what she told her mother at the time.

"well, welcome back," alexandra smiled. "okay cmon boys let's go home!" the three of them waved and walked off.

"okay to find axel," azrael stated.

"here i am, you've found me." a man stepped out of the woods, his silver hair slicked back in a long pony tail, his blue eyes seem to have a glow in the sunlight.

"axel can we have a moment alone?" azrael asked. axel nodded and he led the girls to his home. it was the biggest in the village except for the gathering hall, where the coven always meet.

"you remember my daughter, petra." azrael said once the door was closed.

"yes i do, welcome back petra." axel replied as he took a seat at his office chair, the two girls followed and took a seat across from him.

"now what would you guys like to discuss?" axel asked, raising his eyebrow.

"petra seems to have conceived a child.." azraels words trailed off, she didn't know how to tell him how a child was conceived between a witch and a wolf. it hasn't happened in so long, and the last time... well let's not get into that.

"congratulations!" axel exclaimed cheerfully, "how exciting! who is the lucky fella!"

"well you see. it's a little complicated," azrael stated. axel looked at her confused and waited for her to continue.

"it's an alphas baby." petra stated after sitting there silent. axel's eyes got huge and then he recovered from the news in like seconds it felt like.

"i see..." he trailed off, "and you plan on keeping it?" petra stood up, completely offended by the notion of her getting rid of her child.

"i mean no offense, i just was asking a mere question." axel raised his hands.

"that is no mere question. that is the life of my child you are talking about!" petra spat her blue eyes glowing.

"watch yourself, petra. i am the high priest. you mind your tone with me." axel stood as she had and held his head high. azrael took petras hand, trying to calm her down. petras eyes went back to normal and she took her seat again.

"i don't see this issue with me having this child. what is the problem here?" petra asked.

"the last time a witch and a wolf conceived a baby.. it was quite dangerous." axel said carefully.

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