thirty three

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( picture of Tori above )
{ Tori's POV }

As I get to the first floor I see everyone gathered outside in a big circle almost like a fortress and they are surrounded by dead bodies...but that was too be expected. However most of the bodies are Russians.

A few Americans and a few Italians sadly died and it's all because of me and I'll carry that with me forever. At least all of the Russians are dead.

I stop in the doorway knowing in the middle of the circle was something that would wreck me.

So I mentally prepared myself as much as I could. Michael and my father Valente watch me carefully as I stand here. I just give them a nod and they take the cue and continue to walk forward ahead of me. Before I walk out of the house I put another bomb underneath the floor. I walk out of the house I was held in and head towards the formed circle.

Everyone moves to different sides as my father and Michael walk to see what is going on, then when everyone sees me they seem surprised and spilt even further apart.

Inside of the circle — Alex, Marco, and Lorenzo standing over a kneeled Luca meanwhile Riccardo and Francesco are standing a few feet away by Michael and Valente now.

I look closer and stop dead in my tracks as I see that Luca is kneeled over a very bloody and pale looking Diego.

My hands start to shake.

Diego turns his head to the side and his eyes land on me. I give him a painful smile to try to show him I'm okay. Although I know I'm not.

Everyone looks at me all of their emotions seemed to be surprise, shock, and relief.
I hear Luca quietly say my name but I couldn't pay them much attention. I kept my focus on a quickly dying Diego.

I make myself walk towards him, and I kneel down on the other side of him, where as Luca is on the opposite side. I grab Diego's hand gently, and he actually smiles at me. He begins to cough and grunt painfully. I feel tears come into my eyes as he squeezes my hand.

"I'm glad I trusted my gut, and trusted you from the start." Diego says to me with a smile

Everyone gasps because half of them have never even heard his voice before, but Diego continues to talk to me keeping his focus only on me.

"Tori, I always knew what my job was on this earth was and it was the mafia. It is my family, and I knew I would lay my life down for my family, and I have done so happily and proudly. I don't regret anything, and I can't think of a greater honor than dying for the ones I love and respect." Diego says and I give him a nod and sad smile not being able to speak

"This feeling you have will go away..." He says and then he continues to say "After all you are the one who made mine go away. I respect you more than anyone on this earth, and you are so much stronger than any of this, the fact you are alive proves me right ; and because of that I need you to promise me something."

I give Diego a nod as a sign of being willing to promise him something.

"Stella, I need you to.........." Diego tugs me down and whispers the rest in my ear after he is finished I nod and send him a sad smile.
He squeezes my hand then looks at Luca and all of the guys around us and
says "Take care of her..."

And just like that the one I considered my older brother took his last breath, and I felt his grip on my hand loosen...I leaned up and kissed his forehead.

I gave myself a moment to process that the one who first trusted me when I arrived in Italy, and believed in me. Is no longer alive.

I have my moment and everyone is having their own as well. Although I can feel eyes on me. I know it's because they are waiting for me to break down or do something.

I just stand up and press the button that is inside my pocket. The bombs inside the house go off, and as I watch it all go up in flames I felt a single tear go down my face.

Because after everything Adrian did and years of dealing with fear and my weaknesses..and being afraid of the darkness in me, and the pain it could's finally over.

My heart just still feels so heavy, that I'm almost having trouble breathing.

I drop the button on ground. Then I walk  towards Michael not looking at anyone else.
I know a few are giving their respects to Diego though, and they need that, but I have to get out of here.

When I reach Michael I give him the same look I gave him the last time he came to my rescue, and he nods in understanding and says "Alex" in a deep and stern voice. Alex walks towards us knowing what is going on.

I notice Luca has stood up and starts walking our way along with Valente but Alex and Michael walk on each side of me till we reach their SUV. I get in the back by myself.
Alex and Michael get up front, they don't ask questions, they just drive me back to the mansion.

All three of us knowing what happens next isn't something I want people to see..

The Mafia's Secret Daughter ( #1 in the Mafia Series )Where stories live. Discover now