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After successfully researching a shit ton of information about Lycanthropy, I feel absolutely unconfident in my knowledge about them. This is because the information regarding it all was kind of... contradictory.

It just didn't make sense.

I was surprised by the lack of information, and I decided to go to sleep. I'm planning to visit the library Lenna had shown me on our previous tour in the morning. 

Changing into something more comfortable to sleep in, I jump in my bed under the duvet and close my eyes. The last thing I hear before I fall asleep is the faint sound of sorrowful howling.


Peeling my eyes open in the morning, I sit up and stretch out the length of my body. The clock read 10:37 am, so I quickly hop into the shower to begin the rest of my day. Once I am completely ready, after struggling to get the few knots out of my hair, I exit my apartment. As I am locking my door, a small tapping on my shoulder has me jumping.

"Oh shit!" I lightly screech. My heart makes rapid pumps in my chest at the intrusion.

"Relax, it's just me."

My heart stops pounding in my chest and slowly the rhythm returns to normal once I turn around. Lenna is facing me with a warm smile that is always so contagious. I instantly smile back, although it drops as I soon recall last night's events at Claws.

"Is Kaden okay? What the hell happened?" I ask Lenna, trying to make sense of it all. Her eyebrows raise and she's standing in front of me as if I'm a crazy person.

"Girl, Kaden is like, fine." She lightly gives my shoulder a small squeeze. "Just a few scrapes and bruises, that's all. You know how guys can be," She shrugs nonchalantly. Right away, I begin shaking my head.

"No, Lenna. I watched it all happen last night. He had broken bones, and he should be being treated in a hospital right now!" I couldn't believe what Lenna was saying.

I had seen him myself.

Klayton had really done quite the number on him, although I still couldn't make sense of why. Lenna dismissed my claims and told me she had to get going to class. Despite the fact I wasn't getting the answers I wanted from her, I let her go and decided I should probably get the research on local Lycanthropes done now too. Saying goodbye, I exited our apartment building and ventured off to the Myersdale library.

Once I had arrived, I briskly walked up to the old lady sitting at the desk located in the front of the small building. Slightly clearing my throat to capture her attention, I begin to smile at her. The short, grey-haired, plump women had her attention almost completely enthralled within a book in her hand. Once I successfully had her attention, she briefly glanced up in my direction. She then looked down at the book again, as if deciding whether to continue reading or to help me was more important to her. Fortunately, she chose the latter.

"What can I do for ya, hunny?" The older woman had a minor southern accent, which I had not heard from anyone since arriving in Myersdale. She narrowed her eyes at me, almost assessing me. Honestly, I was beginning to feel a bit uncomfortable.

"I need to research a few sources you have on a specific subject. My professor is making us do a paper on local Lycanthropy," I said with a half-smile and a roll of my eyes. The older woman, whose name I now know of as Mary from the name tag on her shirt, instantly perked up at my sentence.

"Lycanthropy, you say?" She narrowly questioned whilst giving my entire body a once-over. I started to squirm under her judgemental gaze. "Well then. Right this way," She bellows and started to walk in the direction of some bookshelves near the back of the building.

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