Getting over it

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Danny's POV
Apparently Jay was tricked by the cat boy but still had feelings for him. So I told Jay to date cat boy if it made him happy. He cried hard that day saying sorry to me and the family said to come over anytime.

Of course I'm still getting over the break-up, but I'm happy that Jay didn't intentionally cheat on me. My brothers have been really affectionate towards me lately. Like when SB or Speedy came over they would go in front of me, not allowing them to touch or talk to me.

I don't mind the protectiveness it's just annoying sometimes that's all. I'm at work right now with dad fixing up some files and telling people to get back to work. I have this feeling that my brothers,Alfred of course and Dad know something that I don't know.

Dad would gave me these smiles out of nowhere and would want me to hang out with my brothers more. Me being confused because they haven't told me, I just let it go. I must admit though, I have created some feelings towards my brothers. I just don't know if I should tell Dad and my brothers because they might be against incest. My brothers might not like me, they might think I'm disgusting as well.

A lot of thoughts have gone threw my head. I still visit the Jokers place and every time i do, cat boy and Jay are apologizing to me. They must have seen how sad I was when Jay broke up with me. Every time I told them that I'm over it and that they should be happy. I'm glad that me and Jay have a good friend relationship even with cat boy. There both thinking of adopting a boy and naming it after me which I think is just sweet.

I'm now back home and I head to my room to change into a dress or some nice clothes since we're hosting a gala today. So I choose to wear black tight jeans, a white saggy sweater that shows of my neck and collar bones. Necklace some black heels and some earrings along with some simple makeup.

I swear, I swear it, saw my brothers drool when I walked down the stairs. Could they possibly like me back, no they could never I mens I'm just me and there them

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