Chapter 22

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"So, we can have a debate-style setting where we're on the separate spectrums of this topic. Of course there may be more takes on this topic, but we'll focus on the two definite sides," Jade enthusiastically rambles on.

This is the most Kinsey has heard the shy girl speak so she just nods monotonously, lying comfortably on her back on the Queen-size bed, munching on the cookies that her mother eventually brought up from the kitchen. She hums and nods at Jade's every statement as she chews on the sweet snack.

Jade finds her element in talking about what they can do with this project. She comfortably paces back and forth in front of Kinsey's bed as she spews out various ideas.

Jade had always seemed to find security in her academic intelligence. It's something she could be proud of herself in, because she is just naturally good at it. For the most part, academics haven't let her down in the 17 years she has graced this Earth, especially when it seemed that everything else did. Unfortunately, her strength became her downfall as the brunette found that most of her peers didn't find any interest in academics, which often played a role in Jade's inability to connect with most pupil her age.

Jade suddenly stops her pacing in the midst of her avid brainstorming. She sends a disapproving glare at the blonde laying casually in her bed munching on a cookie.

The corner of Jade's mouth twitches slightly as she fights the urge to smile at the way the blonde looks back at her in an adorable oblivious stare. Her ocean blue eyes widening and her dark chocolate eyebrows arching upwards.

"What?" Kinsey muffles while mid-chew, allowing a crumb to fall out of her mouth and land onto the multi-colored comforter.

"Don't you get grossed out by crumbs on your bed?" Jade questions in genuine concern for the blonde's hygiene.

"Of course, I'm not a total piece of shit. I can always wipe them off with my arm when I'm done, " Kinsey responds before taking another bite of what could possibly be her seventh cookie.

Jade rolls her eyes at the sight of more crumbs dribbling down Kinsey's face onto the white comforter.

"You're gross," Jade simply states. "Give me one," She adds, impulsively giving in to how good the chocolate-toppled sweet looks, or maybe how good the blonde makes it look. She stalks towards the end of the bed, grabbing at the large plate of cookies that are lying next to the blonde.

Kinsey smirks, picking up the plate and motioning it towards the brunette, helping her get some. "You know you could not resist."

"Whatever," Jade snarks before biting into the warm chocolate-chip cookie. She simply looks at the blonde as she slowly indulges. Her hazel eyes broaden in size as the taste of the soft cookie runs over her taste buds and fills her with contentment.

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