{54 Dinner with friends

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First of all, I want to wish everyone a happy new year!!!!! And best wishes for 2020, I hope you all will accomplish your dreams and goals this year!

And now onto the new chapter


{54 Dinner with friends

Your POV

Sighing you look at your phone in your hands, you wanted to tell him, you really did. Moreover, you had promised Jieun and Haneul that you would, but Yoongi was busy and wasn't able to meet up with you. He was giving a concert tonight and right after would go straight to Daejeon because of their schedule tomorrow. He would only be back at the end of the week. It wasn't the first time he was an away for a few days he's always busy and you didn't blame him you just wished he would have told you sooner. Now you had to postpone telling him about the job application. You hated the idea of lying to him again but hated the idea of sharing such information over text even more.

You put your phone back into the pocket of your apron and returned to your work in the café, it had been a slow day. There weren't many people coming in and you had mostly spent your timing chatting with your co-worker or cleaning around the café. You were glad it wasn't busy the conversation you just had with Yoongi put you in a bad mood. Not only did you feel bad about not being able to tell him about the job application but you were disappointed you weren't able to see him the rest of the week. You weren't mad or anything, just disappointed. Yoongi hadn't even known himself that he would be away the whole week until this morning. There had been a change in his schedule and therefore had to leave earlier than expected. Honestly, Yoongi seemed to be more disappointed then you, since you had been incredibly busy with the application you had barely seen him and add the tension of not telling him the truth, it hadn't been a good week. You were well aware Yoongi knew something was going on, you could feel his emotions, of course, you knew, the more you thought about the more you realized it would have been better to just tell him the truth from the beginning. He was your soulmate after all of all people he should understand right? Now it was too late.

The rest of the workday dragged on extremely slow, Yoongi's emotions were all over the place. Sometimes being excited or nervous and then suddenly changing to sadness and disappointment, probably because of the concert and everything that had been going on this week. He too must feel your emotions which probably weren't any better, the two of you were affecting each other in a bad way. It had been difficult to concentrate on work and you felt relieved when at 7 pm you finally were able to take off the apron and leave work. You didn't feel like going home you knew because of the concert Yoongi's emotions would make it impossible for you to sit quietly at home, so you had messaged Jieun and Haneul earlier if they wanted to go out to after your work. They had happily agreed since the three of you hadn't had a nice evening out for a while because you had been so busy.

''Hey,'' You smiled at your friends and plopped down on the chair next to Haneul.

''How was work?'' Haneul asked but after taking one look at your exhausted face, ''That bad?''

''You look exhausted,'' Jieun checked you up and down, ''You've lost weight too, are you eating well?''

''A lot has been going on, okay,'' You had hoped that they would distract you from Yoongi's emotions not talk about your life's choices, ''Can we talk about something else?''

''Sure,'' Haneul smiled, obviously reading the signs you weren't in the mood to talk, ''We've already ordered food, we thought you would be hungry so we also ordered for you.''

''Thanks,'' You replied and poured yourself some water, ''How was your guys day?''

''Okay, I guess, '' Jieun replied, ''Didn't do much just caught up with a few series.''

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