Part 1

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Y/n's pov

'ugh there's nothing to do here!' I shouted in my head and slammed myself on my soft white bed with f/c sheets beating up my pillow afterwards.

"Y/n? r u okay?" asked an angel peeking her head around the door with wide eyes looking at my messed up hair and angry facial expression.

"I'm fine Amy" I told her and rubbed my eyes and laid back on the bed.

Amy was my personal butler I guess u could say. She would get me my clothes, food, take care of me and all that, But she was the best friend someone could ever ask for. She loved to talk, she was kind and loving towards everyone and a great listener. But when she's gone everything is so boring since my dad, God and my mom, Maria always had something else to do instead of spending time with their only daughter who's now 478 years old. Good thing my body doesn't age anymore so I don't turn into an old lady that stays in her bed all day watching Netflix or some shit like that.

"U seem pretty bored" Said Amy and walked in with a wet cloth and a chuckle.

"No shit Amy" I responded and her eyes widened.

"Y/n! u can't say those words, only in hell they are allowed to say that" Said Amy and shook her head handing me the wet cloth.

"I know, I know.." I said and reached up over my head to grab the golden halo that was floating above my head and started to polish it making it shiny and pretty.

"hey Amy.. if you where to get the chance would u go to hell-" I asked but where then interrupted

"No!" said Amy with a little bit of fear in her voice.

"Let me finish. Only for a little bit to see how it is?" I finished and she went into thinking mode.

"..I guess it would be pretty cool to see how it is" she said and looked into my e/c eyes with her big lilac eyes.

"Would you?" she asked and put her hand on my shoulder.

"Of course"

Rewrite the stars (Alastor x reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora