♡ 06

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"ah, okay, stay there, i'm coming!"

hongjoong wasn't angry at seonghwa for not telling him beforehand. instead, he was relieved, and maybe a little happy that he wasn't in any trouble.

he started running all the way back to their dorm block, A, which was also quite a distance. he wondered what seonghwa had to do there. did he forget something?


"teacher, err, can i leave the dish here? i'll go back and get the report. i'm really sorry for the trouble," seonghwa bowed repeatedly, hoping the teacher would comply.

you see, seonghwa had forgotten to take his report for the dish they had made today, and it was important for his test grades. if he didn't submit the report now, the teachers couldn't determine his test grade, which would also affect his end-of-year examination grades. (very confusing paragraph but it doesn't matter)

luckily for him, the teacher had noticed his good culinary skills and good behaviour and learning attitude, thus she agreed to this suggestion.

seonnghwa thanked the teacher and ran back as fast as he could, not wanting to waste any time. he hadn't forgotten about hongjoong, and was about to call him when he realised he had left his phone in the dorm, too. just great! now hongjoong was definitely going to think he was a bad friend, and then transfer dorms and never contact each other again. he was not going to let that happen!

just as he was entering the dorm, his phone, which was thrown on his bed started buzzing. seonghwa immediately leaped up to the top bunk without using the stairs. ouch, the bunk bed thought.

"seonghwa! where are you!" he sounded... a little angry.

"i-i'm at the dorm. what happened?"

"ah, okay, stay there, i'm coming!" seonghwa hoped hongjoong wouldn't be angry, and that he wouldn't scold or shout at him harshly. sure, he could handle being shouted or scolded at, but if it was hongjoong, then he most likely would crumble. heck, he felt like he could melt anytime in hongjoong's presence. his ice prince image was already starting to melt away. well, that's what hongjoong thinks. along with yeosang. maybe yunho and the rest too, they should've probbaly heard the shocking news.

seonghwa patiently waited for hongjoong even though he promised his teacher he would be quick. however, 3 minutes had only passed since the call had ended, and the door to the dorm flew open.

"seonghwa!" hongjoong slammed the door closed and rushed forward to the bed and leaped up to the top bunk without using the ladder. ouch, the bunk bed thought.

in seonghwa's eyes, he saw an extremely angry hongjoong who looked liked he was going to choke him to death. immediately, all his anxious thoughts seemed to come true, and the tears he had been holding back started to fall.

"seonghwa! i was so anxious! i'm glad you're okay!" hongjoong, who went in for a hug straight away after he landed on the top bunk, didn't notice his tears. it was only when he felt his shoulder getting damp.

he let go of seonghwa, and his eyes locked onto his face, which was now full of tears. hongjoong's heart ached, and he quickly hugged seonghwa again, rubbing small circles on his back with his thumb.

gentle breeze - ateez seongjoongTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon