What's next?

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My dearest readers,

At last, we have reached the end of Inheritance. It has been quite the adventure for both you and me, and there are no words to tell you how much I appreciate it that you have made it this far. Kenna's journey is far from over and I hope that you are just as eager to see what happens next as I am.

I'd like to take this opportunity to thank some readers who have been with me from the start and who have supported me throughout the writing process. Without them, I might not have had the courage to complete this book:

@midnightcupofnoodles  & @Gemejoe : Your funny comments and frustrated outcries when you had to wait another week for a new update made my day more than once. Your positive reactions on chapters about which I felt rather insecure at first were a real boost to my confidence as a writer.

@Keraca808 : Thank you so much for nominating my story and Rowan's character in the Fiction Awards 2020. I'm so glad that you think my story is worth it.

@iamrare_iamunique : You're probably one of this book's greatest fans. I've never received so many compliments on my stories before and I hope that you'll like the sequel as well. Your support is priceless to me.

@doxthefox1 : Javid, you're probably my most appreciated reader of all. Your advice has helped me so much and has partly enabled me to improve my skills and become a better writer. You are the kind of reader that every writer hopes to meet and I'm looking forward to continuing Kenna's story with your wise and humorous comments to keep up my spirits when I feel uninspired. A thousand times thank you.

And last but not least, I'd like to give some love to my amazing family, who stand by my side in all my writing projects, and without whom it would be significantly harder to chase my dreams: @hvermeu , @leikes8872 , @AronBenyaala , @VermeulenRoger , @MarieJeanneJans 

The sequel

Despite the story's ending, I'd like to end on a positive note. The sequel to Inheritance, Sovereign, is now published as well, with weekly uploads on Saturday. I've included the new cover below. For those of you who aren't yet certain about whether they'll continue reading Kenna's story, the next chapter contains a sneak peek of Sovereign's first chapter.

Hopefully, I'll see you again in the second book of the The Dark Sorcerers series!


Cover Sovereign

Cover Sovereign

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Inheritance - The Dark Sorcerers: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now