Chapter 4

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Arriving at my apartment, I rang the doorbell and waited for Liz or Fey to open the door. After two minutes the door was opened by an angry Fey. Her face was red, eyes black and she was twisting her bracelet.Well I should kiss everyone goodbye now.

"Where were you?" she yelled, and here we go. "Do you know how worried sick I was? Do you huh? You left like the last train to paradise was leaving, you left without telling me. And on top of it all Adam yelled at me for your bullshits." Ouch, now that hurts. Fuck it today isn't my day.

"Thoughts were going around my head, I didn't know what to do I felt helpless." she said, her eyes filling with tears. Seeing her eyes, I knew I fucked up. Fey was the only person who looked after me, even my parents didn't give a shit, and this is how I repay her. I'm really a bad friend.

"Fey..." I started but she raised her hand as saying don't.

"Once. Once in your damn life care for someone other than yourself and care about how your actions affect others." With that she went to her room and slammed the door shut.

Liz was on standing on her door step looking at me, she looked like she was going to say something but she didn't, instead she went to her room like Fey did.

Now I feel worse, not only Fey is mad at me but also Liz. At some point they're right, I always do things without thinking how they will affect the others. Why am I this way? After everything they've done for me. Ugh right know I hate myself.

Tired, I went to room, stripped down of my day clothes and dressed my pyjamas and went straight to bed. I noticed my purse was at my bedside table. Fey really does think of everything. Now I feel worse.

I don't know when I fell asleep because when I woke up my phone was buzzing. Ugh who ever it is, it has to wait. But then I remembered Fey's words and took my phone out of my purse and answered.

"Hello?" I said, trying not to fall asleep.

"Hello sweetheart" Who the fuck is-.

"Heron." I stated.

"Missed me, Love." right know I don't want to deal with him. I hanged up, put my phone on charger. Wow it's time for dinner but I don't know how I'm going to face Fey. I didn't want to go but I was starving. So I took what courage I had and entered the kitchen.

Fey and Liz were at the kitchen table eating and talking but once they saw me they stopped talking but resumed eating in silence.

I sat at the table with my plate. The silence was to tense I couldn't handle it.

"Okay, I'm a selfish bitch and never think of my actions but from the deep of my stone, lifeless heart I'm sorry."  Liz smiled a bit but Fey's face didn't show any thing. My smile fell.

"Okay, I'll forgive you but in one condition." Okay I can handle whatever it is. "You'll help me clean my room."

No. If my room was jungle, Liz room was freaking the whole Amazon but we all have sacrifices to make so I agreed.

"Yes!" said Liz, fist bumping the air.

But Fey on the other hand got up, took her plate, put her plate in the sink and went to her room. Again.

"Maybe you should try to talk to her in privat, you know how much she worries." Liz's right I should. So I ate my dinner quickly and went to her room. I knocked but she didn't answer. So I pushed the door and got in.

"Fey?" In her bed were few dresses she wears when she goes out.

"What?"she said standing next her mirror putting her lipstick on.

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