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After knock Present Mic head for using his quirk causing others students hurt they're ears including Jiro who hurt more then the others but thanks to Recover Girl help heal her, Nezu continue pick random name people who would be called next.

"Next time don't use your quirk when you near the people present mic especially people quirk hearing." said Recover Girl scold at him.

"yeah my bad... Hey girl sorry about that didn't mean it." he apologies at earphone jack girl.

"y-yeah it's ok just don't use it when I'm near please." said Jiro rub her ear.

"ok but still that song was amazing! I mean mix with all others song of Daft Punk that's so cool!" said Present Mic amaze.

"hehe I told you so~" Said Nejire giggle.

"damn who knew izuku is pretty good a making a song, man I wish I could join him too." said Kirishima.

"me too bro that would be manly!" said Tetsutetsu given him a bro fist.

"yeah I could only imagine what it look like." said Mina dream she imagined izuku & her sing together she can't help but blush little.

As the students talking Kamui woods bring the soda cans "here's your drink." he said give her soda.

"ohh~ thanks Kamui for buying me a drink." said Mt.Lady cheerful smile.

"that's because you the one who ask me using My money." said Kamui Wood blunt deadpan as he give second soda to Death Arm he said 'thanks'.

"oh don't be mean I promise I pay you back some day." she said.

"you said that a lot and you still didn't pay it back." said Death Arm drink soda.

"*sigh* seriously if I could build a gun Ray to erase their memories I would you." said Kamui Wood annoying.

"did someone say build!" Mei appear with them as the three heroes starling surprised to see her out of nowhere.

"whoa where you come from?" said Death Arm surprises.

"Hai I'm Mei Hatsume I from Support course! I heard someone says built!" she said fast.

Power loader came to the rescue "Mei stop! seriously can't you wait for like 5 hours maybe *sigh*" he said tired.

"hey there friend it's been a while." said Death Arm give him hand shake.

"yeah good to see you too Death Arm." said Power Loader shake his hand.

"so how your job power Loader?" Mt.Lady asked him drink her soda.

He sigh "I feel pain in the ass today." he said tired annoyed.

"oh don't worry Mr.Loader I think I have invented massage that I build, I already tested on izuku so it safe." said Mei grin.

"wait you know That green hair kid." said Kamui Wood curious as he drink.

"izuku? oh yeah he's the one that muscle guy that help me." she said smile.

"Muscle hey~." said Mt.Lady smirk as she drink her soda.

"yup he also help me to make Baby too." said Mei cheerful.

Mt.Lady spit spray at Death Arm face while Kamui Wood eyes wide even though he wearing a mask and Power Loader just sigh shake his head.

"My Face!"

"What do mean you want baby you just a kid!"


Music Of Cinnamon Roll (Discontinued)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ