20: Daze

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Third person P.O.V

Jungkook woke up at about 6 am but he was a little disappointed to see that Taehyung already left. He wanted to drop him to college in the morning but he got up late as he was up late at night.

Somehow, with a little sadness, just a little... he made his way to the kitchen, gulped down some milk when a thought hit his mind.

"He again left without breakfast... this boy is so careless. He had to walk a lot, if he faints today, I will scold him." Jungkook muttered while drinking milk, making up his mind.

Later, he go through some papers till everyone else got up.

"Jk, breakfast is ready." Hoseok peeked through his office door and informed him.

"I told you to take care of his meals.. he again left without breakfast and I am sure that he hasn't even taken something with him," Jungkook frowned at him before the poor blond could run.

"Um... I am sorry, but he told me yesterday that he had to leave too early and he almost pleaded that I shouldn't wake up early for him... so,"

"Still you should've.... forget it. I am coming." Jungkook said while rubbing his temple, not finding the urge to let out his anger on the other this early.

Hoseok quickly rushed back before any more scolding.

After breakfast, Namjoon told him they have to visit their company that was near the west forest. Jungkook wasn't aware of this meeting as it was planned on an urgent basis.

So they went to that company for a meeting as the leader was with Jackson in his car and Namjoon was in another car.

After the long visit and tiring meeting, they were about to went back to the mansion but Jungkook had a sudden thought and asked Jackson to take a round about the forest side. He just wanted to visit that side to refresh himself. It wasn't like he was missing the boy or something... right??

Jackson was also damn confused about his sudden desire for that sort of long driving but of course, he didn't utter a word and continued driving. He was also enjoying the fresh air and the soothing smell of the soil.

When they took a U-turn to go back, they saw someone standing in the center of the road while holding a boy in his arms.

The blue mop of hair was so familiar that Jungkook quickly ordered Jackson to stop the car and when he did... he rushed out of the car with a little hope that he should be wrong or actually he just wanted to be wrong.

But he felt like his breath hitched when he saw the boy in the arms of a stranger and to add more to his worries and anger... the boy was unconscious.

Without wasting any moment, he quickly took hold of Taehyung from the stranger's arms and shook him, feeling very bothered by the appearance of the younger, he tapped on his cheek but got no answer.

"TAEHYUNG? TAEHYUNG??? WHAT HAPPENED TO HIM? WHO ARE YOU?"  Jungkook yelled at the boy.

The stranger was just staring at him like he saw a ghost. Jungkook was beyond pissed by his reaction so he again asked him but after he got the answer, he wasted no time and quickly took Taehyung to the car.

He left the other boy standing there, not caring if he was alone or was chased by wolves.... why? Because he was angry with him for some reason, not some, but only two reasons.

"Taehyung? What happened to him?" Jackson was beyond shocked to see the blue-haired in Jungkook's arms, not expecting this, not at all.

"Don't know, that boy said he fainted after running from wolves," Jungkook informed him while holding Taehyung a little closer. He managed to sit in the backseat with the pale boy and made him comfortable by placing Taehyung's head in his lap.

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