Chapter 14

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"Tell me again (Tell me again my baby)
That we'll be lovers and friends (Oh, it's a good look baby)
Tell me again (Make sure you're right, oh before we leave)
That we'll be lovers and friends (Tell me over and over and over again)."
Lil Jon ft. Usher & Ludacris "Lovers and Friends"


"Man, these gas prices are getting out of control." I said as Demario placed the nozzle into the gas tank. Darold is with us, but he's inside the store right now. The three of us just came from a meeting with the boss and made a stop for some gas before going to get something to eat.

"Who are you telling? Sh*t, I might need to dig up my old Heelys from my Momma's basement." Demario replied.

"I used to take the subway as a kid, but I'm not sure I remember how it works."

"Me too. I'll still take driving over walking though. I don't want to deal with the rain or snow."

"You never lied. I just make sure I'm not driving unnecessarily, so I'm not wasting gas."

"Ferg has been in the store for a while. What the h*ll is he doing? I only told him to get me a Red Bull."

"I don't know what's keeping him. Oh, there he goes." I pointed as Darold jogged out of the store. He was holding a white bag as he jogged over to us while struggling to keep his pants up. He looks stupid with that smirk on his face.

"Yo, y'all are not going to believe who I saw in there." Whoever it is, he seems real excited.

"Where's my drink?"

"Here. Quick, move over here." He pushed us towards the back of the Durango and peeped around the corner of the car.

"What's wrong with you?"

"Isn't that your girl over there?" We looked over at where he was gesturing. I saw this guy holding the door open for a woman who was waving at the cashier inside. When she turned around, the first thing I noticed was the big *ss pretzel in her hand and a white foam cup in the other. Then, I saw her face and it was Eva.

"Yeah, so?" That guy was probably just being nice.

"Look." I looked again and I saw Eva and the guy walking side by side, taking and laughing. All of a sudden, he took a bite out of her pretzel and took off. We watched them run off to a pump that was two aisles down from us.

"Why did you do that? You have your own!"

"You can't share with me?"

"No. This is mine, so deal with it."

"We'll see about that. Get in the car." What the f*ck is she doing with this light skin dude? I know I'm light skin too, but I know I look better than him. I wanted to confront them before he pulled off, but Demario pulled me back.

"Dave, it may not be what you think. Don't do anything stupid. This is not the time or place."

"This is why I can't claim not of these broads. You need to use your head. None of them are wife material. They just want what they can get from you. I learned that a long time ago." Darold chuckled.

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