Chapter 1: An Unexpected Visitor

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A/N: I do not own BBC Sherlock unfortunatly. Although, I do own Beth. Sherlock is slightly OOC.


John Watson was not pleased. He had told his friend 3 times yesterday to get the milk. It shouldn't have surprised him when he opened the fridge and found none. Fury ran through his veins. He angrily barged into the consulting detective's room. He thought he would find a sleeping Sherlock. Well, he did, but he wasn't alone.

"Sherlock!" John hissed.

He groaned and opened his tired eyes. He may have been half asleep but he could still deduce that John was pissed off. He got out of his bed and followed his friend into the living room.

"Sherlock," John sighed. "You know I don't mind you bringing women home but don't you think this one is a bit, erm, young?"

Sherlock was confused for a minute. What was he talking about? Oh. He chuckled to himself.
"I don't find this funny." John scowled. "How old is she? 15, maybe 16?"

"15." A voice said from behind them. The girl from Sherlock's bedroom walked up to the men.
"I'm Beth, Sherlock's sister. I don't like the couch. I prefer beds."

Sherlock burst into a fit of laughter. "What kind of man do you take me for John?" He managed to say.
The doctor sighed, his face as red as a tomato. "Right then, I'm off to the shop."

He left the Holmes siblings to laugh about his blunder.

Once John had left, Sherlock's face dropped. "Bethany, why are you here?"

She sighed. "It's just Beth and I got bored."

"Weren't you at school?" He asked. "Well yes. I hate it there though! I'm only ever home during holidays! No one likes me, they all call me a freak!"

The word 'freak' made the consulting detective furious. He too was referred to as a freak when he was at boarding school, he still is now.

"Why did you come here? Why didn't you go home?"

"If I go home Mother and Father will just send me back. You're the only one I can trust! Please don't tell them!" She pleaded.

"I'm sure the school will have notified them of your disappearance by now Beth. Mycroft will be here in a matter of hours to pick you up."

She stood up. "No! I can't go back! I won't!"

Before she got the chance to run out of the door, her older brother grabbed her wrist.
"Don't," he told her.

It would just make things worse. They were never close when they were younger. There was such a big age difference. She looked into Sherlock's green eyes. They were the same as hers.

"Fine." She muttered. Like a child that had been caught doing something naughty, she sulked into her older brother's room.

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