Chapter 8

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Rhea's POV

The day of the battle. Last night Jas and I spent it celebrating and no we didn't have sex. Both of us want to wait for when I officially become Mrs. Whitlock - Hale. We also decided to wait to tell Dad. Bella was planning on telling Dad that she would be getting married after the battle so to not cause a heart attack I said that I would wait. Jas and Paul apparently talked it over and together they decided that the safest place for me would be with the other imprints. I agreed and that is how I found myself at the treaty line with Paul. Jas needed to be with his family right away so he just dropped me off.

Paul changed into his wolf form and I got on. He dashed off to Emily's house. Once he was in the front yard I got off and he took off back into the forest. I walked up the front porch and the door was opened by Emily.

"Come on in," she said motioning me inside.

"Are you sure it's safe to have the sister of the vampire magnet here? I mean what if they catch her scent and come here?" An unfamiliar voice questioned from the kitchen.

"I don't have a scent," I said walking further into the room. "Any true mate to a vampire loses their scent when they meet their mate. Jasper is the only one who can find me by scent." I looked at the girl who asked the questions. She had long black hair and beautiful tan skin. "You must be Paul's imprint." I held out my hand for her to shake. "I'm Rhea."

"Rachel," she said apprehensively.

"It's nice to finally meet someone who can keep Paul in check. A very difficult feat."

"So how do you know Paul?"

I took a seat at the round table and she and Emily followed my lead. "Paul was my friend when we were little. Our relationship got strained when he started shifting and he cut all ties with me. I went to Arizona for three years then came back. We only recently reconciled shortly before he found you actually. You don't have to worry about having to deal with a Bella, Edward, Jacob triangle. Paul is a good friend and nothing more."

I could see her shoulders sag just a bit. "That's a relief. So what time is Kim getting here?"

"I'm here. Sorry, Dad wouldn't let me out of the house," A new voice said bursting through the front door.

I introduced myself to Kim and found her very sweet. She opened her book bag and pulled out several movies and three different candies. She put in the first movie and we migrated to the couch. After the movie ended, Emily thought that we could make some food for the pack and I offered to help. We made lasagna and homemade garlic bread.

Just as it was ready a sharp whistle rang through the air. The three of them rushed outside and I covered the lasagna, put it in the fridge, and turned the oven off before walking outside. I followed the loud shouts of pain to Billy's house.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Jake got hurt," Embry said. "Doc says that he will have to rebreak his bones when he gets here."

"How did this happen? Was anyone else hurt?"

"Jake saved Leah, but the newborn got his arms around Jake and crushed his right side. Everyone else made it out without a scratch," Paul said. "I got to get you back to the treaty line. Jasper's waiting."

"Ok. Promise me that you will keep me updated on Jake's condition and let me know if there is anything I can do to help."

"I will."

I waved bye to the girls and got in Jake's car so Paul could drive me back to Jasper. "What would you think of me becoming a vampire?" I asked. "Not like a Cold One but like Jasper."

"I'm not sure I would like it but I would also understand. I would do anything to stay with Rachel for as long as I could."

I nodded my head in understanding. The rest of the drive was silent. Jas was waiting for me on the other side of the treaty line. I thanked Paul once more before I ran into Jas's arms. He kissed the crown of my head and held me tight. Jas picked me up and I wrapped my arms around his waist, then he took off. I kept my head tucked into the crook of his neck and let the wind flow through my hair.

"Are you ok?" I asked once we came to a stop.

Jas sat down on one of the couches in the living room at his house, me in his lap. My legs lay across his lap and I rested my head on his shoulder. "It's over. That's all that matters."

"What happened?"

"Everything was going perfectly. The wolves came and together we tore apart the army. There was one left and it crushed Jacob. I ripped it off Jacob and the wolves tore it apart. We lit the remains on fire when Alice had a vision. The Volturi were coming. The wolves left just as Jane, Alec, and Felix arrived. Carlisle and Esme had offered safe passage to a young girl but Felix killed her. They saw that Bella was still human before reminding us of what would happen if Bella hadn't changed. Then they left. Carlisle is tending to Jacob now."

"Why was Bella there? I thought she was staying away with Edward."

"Victoria found them on the mountain. Edward killed her."

Silence hung in the air. It was finally over. James was dead, Victoria was dead, and Bella was going to turn so we didn't really have to worry about the Volturi. We were free to continue with our lives without the fear of looking over our shoulders. Rose and Emmett soon joined us in our silence. I could faintly hear Esme in the kitchen whipping something up. Edward and Bella walked into the room and I got off of Jas's lap to go into the kitchen.

"Still not speaking to Bella?" Esme asked.

"I have said all that I need to say and if I stay in her presence any longer I will snap," I answered.

"You know that once you both turn you are going to have to get along since you both will be apart of the family."

"Esme, I was serious when I said that I was going to distance myself from Bella one way or another. I don't want to lose this family but I will give it up to distance myself from her toxicity."

"I know dear. I just wish we could stay together as a family."

"So do I."

I walked back into the living room to find Alice jumping up and down like a maniac. I walked back over to Jas and snuggled into his side. He swung my legs and rested them over his own. "What's going on?" I asked.

"We've chosen a date," Bella said. "For the wedding," she elaborated.

"I can definitely get everything together in time," Alice said before babbling about other wedding details. I absentmindedly twirled my engagement ring that sat on my middle finger. Jas seemed to notice because he brought my hand to his lips and gave it a kiss. I leaned in and pecked him on the lips before resting my head on his shoulder.

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