6 ⚔️ Broken Seal

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Shortly after Zhijian had volunteered, his determination seemed to spur a few others to volunteer too. The remaining four spots were filled up in no time, leaving looks of satisfaction on the Elders' faces.

Thereafter, everyone was dismissed from the Divine Hall until further instructions.

Zhijian was walking down the hallway when he heard Leader Xu calling him from behind. Stopping mid-stride, he turned to meet his godfather. The older man was wearing an expressionless look, but his eyes betrayed the tinge of concern in them.

"Be careful," Leader Xu stressed, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Do not be rash and come back in one piece. Alive."

Zhijian straightened up, suppressing a knowing smile. Despite Leader Xu's cold demeanour, he had the fortune of glimpsing his godfather's soft side every now and then, especially during the times when his little brother was present.

"Understood," he promised.

Leader Xu gave a short nod. "I'll keep a close watch on Zhixuan," he reassured.

"Thank you, Godfather." Zhijian inclined his head slightly. "If he's missing, he's probably down at the yard. He has been smuggling baby chicks into his bed every night because he is afraid they will be cold."

Leader Xu shook his head lightly in disapproval. "That silly boy, he's too old to be doing that."

"You say that every time but you always let him get his way." Zhijian pointed it out, a small smirk playing on his lips.

His godfather cleared his throat and avoided his gaze, no doubt growing embarrassed at being caught.

"Get going, Zhijian." Leader Xu waved him off, no doubt wanting to change the subject. "Awakened or not - find the Demoness."

Folding his hands, Zhijian took a step back and dropped into a formal bow. Before taking his leave, he didn't forget to give a reassuring nod at his worried godfather one last time.

Back in his room, he swiftly changed into his uniform; a startling blue outerwear with a black inner robe. The clan crest – shaped in a plum blossom – was embellished on both sleeves in silver linings.

The flower symbolises growing endurance. Sharpening makes a mighty sword, and cold makes a blooming wintersweet.

In other words, as a man experienced the vicissitude of time, he would grow in strength and unyielding courage. The Xu ancestors had wanted their crest to serve as a reminder to their future generations that only continuous efforts would bring desirable results.

For a final touch, Zhijian brushed his fingers across the bracelet on his wrist for luck and protection. It was a gift from his parents for his thirteenth birthday – not knowing then that it would be the very last one that they would celebrate together.

Grabbing his sword, he exited his room and reunited with the rest of his comrades. The group of five departed for the mission later that night.

It had taken them three hours to reach the Cursed Lake, and yet they needed another hour to get across the waters to reach The Demoness Island.

As midnight drew closer, everyone was visibly exhausted. The lanterns sitting in the middle of the boat illuminated their sleepy faces and the gentle swaying of the boat was lulling them to sleep.

Zhijian sat down, crossing his arms but never letting go of his sword. He silently watched the other Eradicators – the Su twins and Menglong – exchange words of concern.

"I hear that the Demoness is now a hideous, old woman with long fangs," Suling shuddered involuntarily. "One look from her is enough to make you bleed from your eyes and ears."

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