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Harry had decided the next morning when he woke up in the slytherin common room, that maybe he could take a turn on their friendship and be friends with Draco in public.
The boy wasn't a bad conversationalist and Harry had burned all the bridges he had in gryffindor anyway.
But last year the Slytherins cursed their table. Now only Slytherins could sit there without being immediately jolted and thrown off to the ground by the curse.
So imagine everyone's shock (except for Voldemort and Draco) that Harry sat down at the slytherin table and enjoyed his breakfast with Draco.
Harry had a plan. He figured he would start acting out now so Dumbledore would not be able to trust him. Truthfully Harry had rebelled since 5th year when Sirius died but it had been subtle.
This was a whole shit ton more than subtle.
The two boys laughed, glaring at anyone who looked at Harry too long.
Soon they headed off to class, the day went smoothly for awhile.
Harry went down into the chamber of secrets which he had cleaned up in spite of the mocking laugh Voldemort gave him.
He made it more homey and even found Salazars personal chamber and library.
Harry often snuck down there with Draco and spent the night.
Normally during summer he would apperate to the chamber and live there for awhile.
But Draco came with Harry to the chamber this time.
That's when things took a turn.
"You have a bloody snake familiar?! When were you going to tell me you got a bloody snake?!"
Harry had gotten a beautiful boa anaconda mix snake when the summer had let up and he went to diagon alley to retrieve his belongings from the stores as he did every year.
When he found a beautiful snake in the back of one.
Harry had turned her into a Horcrux as Voldemort had done with Nagini and Harry was pleased.
He simply killed an annoying first year ravenclaw that annoyed him to do it.
"I found her when school started. Beautiful is she not?"
Draco nodded.
"What's her name?" Draco asked as he slowly ran his hand over the snakes scales.
"Asa. I figured it fit her. Seeing as she can heal me and bring me back to make me immortal seeing as she's my Horcrux."
Draco's mouth dropped in shock.
"Are you fucking kidding me?!"
Harry had laughed. "You're a Malfoy, Draco. So where's that grace Malfoys always seem to have? Compose yourself."
Draco still couldn't bloody believe it.
Harry fucking Potter killed a kid to get what he wanted. He was a murderer. Draco was standing next to a murderer.
So that's what you wanted the spell for. I'm impressed.
"He's talking to you again isn't he?"
Harry nodded.
"Won't be long before the light realize I'm not fighting for their war. I'm fight for his."
The two had spent awhile chatting before going back to the slytherin dormitory.
Harry had never truly been apart of the light. He fought for himself and himself alone.
But it seems when he almost started to enjoy the dark lord's presence that it all changed his plans.
Harry and Draco had once again fallen asleep in the slytherin common room.
Draco on the couch, and Harry curled up in a snake like position in the black and green armchair.
Harry's arm was attached to Draco's hand, the two body parts laying on the other.
So now Voldemort thought it would be a perfect time to summon Draco for a meeting and apparate him to the meeting office Voldemort held his meetings in.
But what they didn't expect to see was a sleeping Harry Potter.
When Draco awoke quickly and noticed the situation, he almost freaked out until he noticed everyone was calm and Harry had told him he was planning on joining the dark anyway.
Harry, who was still fast asleep was moaning under his breath in parseltongue. Which just so happened to cause an immense wave of pleasure over the dark lord.
Concealing it, Voldemort snapped at Lucius before Draco stopped his father.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you." He had said.
"When someone wakes up Harry it's.....not pretty..."
Disregarding the warning, Lucius yelled for Potter to wake and shook him violently.
Only to be met with the strongest crucio he had ever felt.
"Bloody moron! Don't you know not to wake me?! Didn't Draco bloody well warn you?!"
Lucius was still a mess on the floor, dying of pain, while everyone else laughed.
The dark lord even gave an amused smile towards Harry.
Harry had finally let the spell up and Lucius groaned. The man couldn't even stand after Harry had released the curse.
You're intriguing.
A little silk voice said in his head.
Merely hate being awoken. Im fairly certain Draco warned him. Am I correct?"
The dark lord only laughed at the Potter boy. "I did warn you father. Harry did that to me in 3rd year. Hurt like a bitch." Everyone laughed except Lucius.
Once Lucius had recovered, and Harry had fully woken up enough not to crucio anyone (unless he wants to because they piss him off) they all sat down.
Harry was right beside Voldemort on his right. Where Bellatrix usually sat...but it seemed the witch was content on sitting to the left. She even looked mildly happy that it was Harry beside her lord than if it would have been anyone else.
The meeting continued and by the time the meeting had been over, Severus Snape had a shit ton of things to tell Dumbledore.....

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