14. Tiny Little Arguments

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Cara and I were sitting on the couch, waiting for Evan to return home. It was getting late and Cara had yawned a lot since the last half an hour.

"Cara, you should go to sleep. I will give your Brownies to Daddy." I said.

She shook her head reluctantly. "Just five more minutes. He will be back soon." she said in hope filled voice and stated at her Brownies in an adorable way. It reminded me of myself when I used to bake things with my mother and how proud I used to feel if they came out tasty.

"He is here," Cara shouted excitedly when we heard the sound of car screeching to a halt. After few seconds, Evan entered through the door with a tired look on his face. George immediately take the things off his hands and passed him a glass of water.

When he noticed both of us, a frown appeared on his face. "Why aren't you asleep yet?" he asked Cara.

"I... I made brownies for you, Dad." she said, extending the plate to him.

His eyes switched between the plate and her face; my own stomach clenched at what would be his possible reaction.

"Put it in the fridge. I'll taste it later." he said as he walked past us quickly.

I turned to look at Cara whose face had lost all its previous excitement. Her blue eyes were covered with a thin layer of moisture and there was a small pout on her mouth.

"I'll go sleep now," she whispered and then stood up to walk towards Geena.

"Cara, listen..." I tried to stop her with a weak voice because I had no idea how to console her now.

I felt furious at how Evan had behaved with her. He could have just tasted the harmless brownies. What could have possibly gone wrong if he had acted a least bit interested?

With rage pumping through my veins, I stormed towards our bedroom and opened the door. There he was, sitting at his desk and reading a file, as if he hadn't hurt that poor girl minutes ago.

"What is wrong with you?" I asked once I reached him.

"I am a little busy. Please---"His words got caught in my throat when I pulled the file out of his hands.

"That girl was so excited. She spent the whole day fretting if you'd like her brownies and you didn't even taste them." I accused.

The way his jaw clenched told me that he didn't like my actions. Slowly, he rose from the chair and stepped in front of me, looking down at me with a hard look.

"So what? I'll taste them tomorrow. It doesn't matter." he said dryly.

"Well Mr. Parker, I disagree. Your actions matter a lot to your daughter so can you kindly stop being a jerk." I said. I have never talked so angrily with someone so my cheeks were burning right now.

He took a step towards me, while his blue eyes kept fixated on my face. "You are here just to take care of her. Don't worry about what I do or what I don't." he whispered slowly.

"Well, I am caring about her. She thinks her daddy doesn't like her much and I won't let your actions make her feel unworthy." I grunted, crossing my arms in front of my chest. He was towering over me and his scent was already making me hard to focus.

His face hardened more, if that was even possible. He rested his arm on the wall behind me, caging me in while he leaned down to come face to face with me. "She is my daughter. I don't need you to tell me how to behave with her." His voice was low and deep.

For a micro second, my eyes darted to his lips thinned into a line. I gulped nervously before answering, "She is my daughter too."

The blue in his eyes thinned into a rim while his dark pupil's took most of the space. "You might be her mother but she is not your daughter. She is mine and Eliza's." he chewed each word.

His breath was tickling my skin and by now, I sure was burning red. Thankfully, my tongue still decided to stand by me as I replied, "Then take some responsibility for her."

Saying that, I pushed him away and walked past him out of the room. I didn't want to sleep in the same room as him tonight so I went to Cara's.

"Are you going to sleep with me?" she asked when she noticed me.

"Yes, Geena you can sleep in the guest house." I said to her babysitter. Once she left, I cozied into the blanket with Cara and hugged her. "I talked to your Dad. He was just worried about something at work so he couldn't taste it."

"Oh." she whispered as she snuggled deeper into me.


Next day, when I woke up, the bed was empty. I checked the clock and realised I was a little late. Yawning, I hopped out of bed and ran my fingers through the mess that were my hair.

Still sleepy, I made my way out to the dining room to check Cara. "Good morning, can you please make some strong coffee for me?" I said to Kelly on my way to which she nodded.

Once I stepped inside the dining room, the feeling of surprise surrounded me when I found Cara and Evan sitting side by side, eating the brownies with a cup of milk. Cara was smiling at something Evan had said and together, they looked the perfect father-daughter duo.

"Good morning," I walked towards them as I supressed the urge to aww.

"Daddy liked my Brownies, Mama." Cara grinned after acknowledging my presence.

"Aww. Did he?" I said and looked towards Evan whose eyebrows drew closer. He remembered how I had acted last night and I myself felt embarrassed for my outburst.

"I'll get ready for office." he announced after taking one more bite of the brownie and walked away.

Asking Cara to finsih her milk, I left the dining room as well and followed Evan to the room. Noticing me, a corner of his mouth turned upwards as he said, "Do you have any other suggestion for me now?" he said sarcastically.

"I am sorry for being rude last night." I whispered, playing nervously with my fingers. "But for record, it was helpful."

"Whatever," he said arrogantly and turned to the mirror to set his hair, his luscious, thick hair.

"You don't have to be so dismissive now." I said and reached him slowly. "I had everyone's best interest in mind."

"Why thank you, Mrs. Parker. You are indeed a treasure." he said in the sweetest voice possible. "Now if you don't mind, can I go to work or should I wait for another one of your merciful advices?"

My face burned in embarrassment at his words and I looked away from his too-perfect face. He was making fun of me and he was surely enjoying that.



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