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(Alastor PoV 1st person)

This little game was fun...Until the (Y/n) girl asked me how I died. I frowned slightly, since they couldn't see me I didn't have to worry about them seeing my slight disgust. I never discuss my death to anyone, it's personal and I hate the way I died.

In my slight frustration I must've let my static into her head, she looked a bit pained, but it was hard to catch, barely noticeable. I stood up starting to leave as they did, (Y/n) was feeling sick because of me. It's normal for humans to feel this way when I'm frustrated around them. I don't mind, since I don't like the human race, easily hurt and corruptible. 

But something in me drew me to her. Like a hunger of some kind. A hunger to corrupt her, she's to pure for this world...Not for long dear...Not for long...I chuckled as I walked into the forest lining this cemetery. She'll make my visits in this realm much more worth while.

(Y/n PoV 2nd person)

F/n shook your shoulder gently, making you wake up from your daze of sleep.

"We're here." They say and open the car door and step out. You do the same, after making sure your phone was in your pocket.

Getting out of the car you stretch and grab your backpack from the back seat and close the door, almost slamming it shut. You flinch a bit at the sound and follow F/n inside. Once inside you take off your shoes and walk into their room, plopping the bag next to the spare bed they set for you.

Flopping yourself on the bed, you realize how tired you were. You roll over to your side and sigh, noticing the headache and the static are gone. Sighing in relief, you notice F/n walking in with a glass of water and hands it to you.

"Here." They say as you take the glass. As you take a sip, the cool liquid feels like heaven on your tongue and throat, you didn't realize how dry your throat was. You didn't even yell tonight. 

Setting down the cup on the nightstand you lay back down, not bothering to change your clothes, your more tired than you originally thought. F/n lays on their bed with (random color) pajamas that have Snoopy and Woodstock from Peanuts on them. They turn off the lamp on the night stand and lean back on their bed.

"Goodnight, Y/n." They yawn.

"Goodnight, F/n" You reply and shift so your back faces the wall, you always felt safer with your back to the wall as you slept.


You were running, but you didn't know what you were running from. All you knew was you needed to run and not stop. Your throat burned from the panting and your legs were aching for you to stop. But somehow you knew, that if you did stop, whatever was chasing you would get to you.

As you run, you end up in a forest, and the path you're running on is over grown, unused for who knows how long. You didn't care though. But you should probably venture off so whoever it was would lose track of you, so you veer to the right and run between the plants and fallen trees, hoping to lose them.

Slowing down and taking long breaths to try and even your breathing, you look around for somewhere to sit. You find a fallen tree and sit on it, and your legs feel relieved from all the running. Now they just ache, a lot. 

You sigh in relief, the stress in your legs and lungs going away and you think whoever it was that was chasing you was now gone.

"Hello, darling," A voice sounding like it came out of an old radio sounded behind you. You jumped from where you were sitting and turned around quickly. You never saw anything like him before, the person was tall, taller than anyone you knew, and he was wearing a red coat and dark colored slacks and black shoes. But when you looked up at his face, you couldn't see it, it was masked in shadows. 


You woke up with a start, morning light pooling over your eyes between the curtains in the window. You squint and cover your eyes with your hands, trying to remember the dream. All you remembered was the man in red.

Love vs Sanity (An Alastor x Reader story)Where stories live. Discover now