Chapter 11; The Aftermath

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(A/N: Play the media for more effects. The song is called Tomadoi by Maiko Fujita. This chapter will be a bit short since it's kind of a filler chapter. Yeah, I hate them too but...I have to or else the story won't make sense. This chapter will be around Team 7's character growth will be pretty boring. Enjoy this chapter. Sorry for the late update!)

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

The Chunin Exams are finished. Shikamaru is the only one to be promoted. Unfortunately, he is not happy with him being the only Chunin. He thinks that Team 7 deserves the promotion better than he does but the Hokage disagreed. He is suspicious of his actions but shrugs it off as nothing. Team 7 are now doing D-ranks because the last time they went on a C-rank mission, it turned into an A-rank. So far, they are only focusing on the Tora mission since it's the easiest. Sasuke would use his Mangekyou on the cat while Sakura will use Kuro in order to make it run back home. Naruto and Sai will be reporting while Kakashi gets to read his porn all day long and he was grateful because his students thought of him. They have been doing this since morning and now it's time for dinner.

"Sakura, I think we should go on a C-rank now...I'm bored just using genjutsu to make it think that it's running away...." said Sasuke. "Fine, fine. I'm also bored. Let's go to the Hokage tower!" She declared and grabbed Sasuke's hand. They both disappeared in a flurry of—ironically—cherry blossoms with a mix of fire in it. They arrived there and sees that Naruto is busy eating his ramen while Sai is drawing. "Hey, guys!" Sakura called out. "Yow hew, Sakuwa-Chan? Yow tow Teme? (You're here, Sakura-chan? You too Teme?)" Naruto was surprised and so he spoke with his mouth full. "Yeah. Why don't we do a C-rank since we have done more than enough D-ranks." Sasuke offered. "Fine." Said Sai as he closes his sketchbook. "Stop being an Emo bastard, Sai-teme. Even Sasuke is jet as bitter as you are, Dattebayo!" Naruto scolded.

"I'm contemplating how the Hokage got me into the ridiculous of a team." Said Sai as he bites the insides of his cheeks. "You're not leaving this team....are you?" Sakura decided to ask. Sai is now silent. He has no answer. Naruto froze, he realized the possibility of Sai leaving is very high. "Are you going to?" Sasuke added. "I....I...honestly don't even know myself, Emo." He replied. He is completely lost now. What will he do now that the Chunin Exams are over? He was thinking something along the lines of getting promoted into being a Chunin so he could go on solo missions. He doesn't know what to do now. He has allowed himself to be too attached to them and now he doesn't know whether he wants to leave the team or not.

"Just...don't leave..." like Sasuke will. Sakura whispers. "I...can't stand it if either one of you leave..." she continued on. Naruto hugs her and she hugged him back. She began trembling. She was going to cry but she can't. She cried too much in her previous timeline. She sadly smiles. "But I can't stop you because it's your choice." She puts her hand on Sai and Sasuke's shoulders. Sasuke's eyes widened. 'How did she know that I was going to leave?!' Was his thought after what she said. Naruto is in deep thought. He was going to save those two no matter what and Sakura is dare to assist him. "Yeah, we can't stop you from leaving. Both of you, Dattebayo." Said Naruto. He gives them a grin. " seems like our two black haired genins want to leave this team. Poor old me is going to cry." Said Kakashi as he appears in a whirlwind of leafs.

Kakashi proceeds to hug all of them and they accepted it. After all, it might be their last. "Now let's go to Ichiraku!" He announces. Naruto cheered while Sakura just smiles. Sasuke and Sai just smirks. A team dinner won't be that bad. It could be their last but who cares? They walked all the way to Ichiraku Ramen. "I'd like to have 3 Miso Ramen please! Don't forget the extra tomatoes, Dattebayo!" Naruto ordered. "Hmm...maybe the Ramen won't be bad." Said Kakashi. "I would like to have the same as dickless over here." Said Sai. 'He didn't order for me....' he thought bitterly. 'Come to think of it...I'm close to them at all. They were friends since they were young....I don't belong in this group...' he added mentally.

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