Chapter 35

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Jungkook POV:

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Jungkook POV:

Resting my elbow on the office desk, I massaged my temples.

I need to tell her truth before she gets to know it from someone else.

But what if she leaves me for good?

I was unable to focus on work. I couldn't help myself but worry about the matter.

From the desk drawer, I took out the necklace which I bought her for our anniversary.

I was determined to confess the truth to her tonight.

I am sure she will forgive me.

We will start all over again without hiding anything from each other.

A smile crept on my face as I stared at the necklace.

Just then, I heard the 'click' sound of the door opening.

I shoved the necklace inside the pocket of my jacket.

The person revealed himself entering through the door.

"Y/n?!" My eyes widened seeing her in my office.

She was soaked in rain. I wasted no time and went to her.

"It's raining outside. Why did you come here?" I asked, worriedly.

She was looking at the ground without saying a single word.

She looked pale.

"Did you catch a cold?" I shifted closer and was about to touch her forehead before she slapped my hand away.

"Don't touch me!" She screamed.

With the bewildered look on my face, I stared at her trying to read her thoughts.

"Baby─" Calmly, I headed close to her but she stepped backward.

"Don't call me that! You've lost the right to use that word on me." She gritted her teeth, suppressing her anger.

I looked at her confusedly unable to understand the reason behind her reaction, "What do you mean?"

The next thing she did, made me even more confused.

She handed me a paper, looking away.

Puzzled by her action, I stared at her and then read the paper in my hand.

My whole body shook, recognizing the paper.

How did she get this?

"I-I can explain. Please listen to me." Words struck in my throat.

I took a step forward while she took a step back again.

"Listen to what? Your lies?" Bitterly, she chuckled and continued, "You made a fool of me, for a whole year. You lied to me."

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