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"Taehyung!!!!" i shouted leaving Raza behind.
Raza didn't stop me. I even didn't look back. I went to the class and Taehyung was sitting on his chair.

"Thanks..." i said

"For what?"

"Look... Taehyung... i want my phone too."
i said like he is dying to do work for me.

"Shutup!" he said and opened his phone.

"Taehyung!!!!" i shouted and he looked at me.

"Let's make a deal then." he said and i simply nodded. Why???? because i wanted my phone.

"What's the deal? tell me!" i said confidently.

"You have to be my fake girlfriend." he said.... did he really say this?Sure i can do anything for my phone.

"For how long?" i said because i WANT MY PHONE!!!!!

"I was just checking....how much you love Raza..." he said.

"You will not get my phone back?" i said to him in a pleading way.



"Are you serious? The other day you said you loved him A lot and now you aren't feeling bad about being my fake girlfriend."

"What??? when did i say that i love him?" i said in a shock!! I know i shouldn't.... i am just looking like a random playgirl... no a random poor playgirl who can be anyone's fake girlfriend just for money.... urghhh it sounds so cheap!

"You said!!" Taehyung said looking straight into my eyes. Oh i remembered... but that time i was talking  about Allah....

"I wasn't talking about Raza that time." i simply said.

"Do you like someone else?" he said in a disbelieving tone. Okay now he finally thinks that i am a playgirl. Good Hana good!

"Listen to me Taehyung.... you won't understand... it's too complicated!" i said and he held my hands.

"I am listening."  he said. Why is he so concerned?? Is he thinking i will take his name? oh Kim Hana shutup! Just look at him. HE'S RICH, HANDSOME, TALL, INTELLIGENT blah blah blah...... and look at you!

"I don't love him... i don't even like him but... he has already said yes... so... and he's my first ever boyfriend too. I will never get a man after him." i said and shoved his hand politely.

"Then, if i confess.... will you say yes?"



"KIM TAEHYUNG!!! What's your problem?"

"You!! you are my problem Hana!" he said and banged his hand on the desk making me jump in terror. It was morning time and no one was in the class. I was really scared.

"I need to go." and started to move. My body was shaking.

"Don't you want your phone?" he said coldly and i stopped.

"Break up with Raza and i promise.... i'll get you your phone." he said and left the class. What's his problem? Why am i thinking that he likes me? He doesn't like me..... it's not even near possible. He just likes to tease me.... or maybe someone has given him the dare to do so. I don't care... i just want my phone back! So i went to Raza's class.

"Can we talk?" i said to Raza. He nodded and we came out of the class.

"I am sorry Raza... i think i need a little time to think about this relationship." i said and he nodded. I was just talking to him and again and again apologising but he was only nodding. I felt bad for him. I am so pathetic. But on the other side i was also not feeling comfortable with this relationship..... Allah knows what's best for me.

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