Wattpad Help Guide & Handy Links

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Here is some handy info to navigate Wattpad! Hopefully, we can help answer some of the burning questions you have on how it all works. All the orange words you see are links. If you click on them, you will be redirected to another place with more info.


Did you know there is a code of conduct?

Yes, there is a good way and a bad way to conduct yourself, find out more here.

Meaning of Conduct - the manner in which a person behaves, especially in a particular place or situation.


When is a story mature?

Ever wondered what material makes your story mature or what is banned content on Wattpad? You can consult the Content Guidelines to learn more.


Got any Wattpad issues or Questions?

Sometimes things don't really work as they are supposed to, or you just want to understand some things better, right? Well to get a better grip on how Wattpad works you can either go to How Wattpad Works.

Or you can check out the Help Center.

There is also a nifty place to keep track of glitches or outages called Wattpad Status.

Need to Report something? We hear you, it happens. There are two main reasons to report something 1) You have an issue with something being funky on Wattpad, or 2) You have an issue with another user. Here's some help with the reporting process:

An issue with something Wattpad related - as in something seems glitchy. First, check the Known Issues because often Wattpad is already aware of the problem.

Issues with another user or when you can't find your Wattpad problem on the Known Issues list, here's where and How To Report.


Because we care and we love all of you beautiful people!

Keep Safe on Wattpad, read more here.

Are you a victim of bullying or do you know of someone that needs some help? Find support here.


What's the deal with the Ambassadors? Well, they are a group of regular Wattpad users that volunteer to help out around Wattpad to keep the community a safe and happy place. Want to know more? Here are some places you can go for more information.

Who Are The Ambassadors?

The Ambassadors Program - Interested to join? Here's where and how!


Have something to say?

Have an idea or some suggestion for Wattpad, great, you can check out the Feedback Thread to let your voice be heard.


Graphics and stickers

Need some help to wrap your head around the shenanigans of graphics? We got you, here's some insight into the matter.

How To Add A Cover Image

How To Use Canva (a handy tool for graphics).  There are others like Pixlr or PicsArt, as well.

How To Add A Sticker

Creating Quote Art


Want to improve your writing?

Practice makes perfect. The pen is mightier than the sword... all fair but we have to start somewhere, right? Here are some handy places to help you hone your writing skills.

Mastering The Art Of Storytelling

Improve Your Writing Profile

Writing 101 - A reading list filled with tips and advice on EVERYTHING!


Please,  let us know in the comment section if there's something we didn't cover for you. Now, go have fun!

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