The Shadow of Man

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Chapter 35: The Shadow of Man.


Asha'da, I could only wonder who that was. 

 My Alelang blade lay across my lap and I set down the rag I was using to clean it as Gwen towered over me, blocking the winter's sun from my sight. She planted large hands on her hips and squinted down at me, clearly displeased.

"Yes, Gwen?"

The Troll looked over me critically. "Somethin' has got Cat on edge."

"Kohen?" I glanced absently down at the Alelang, admiring the gleam of the metal. I hadn't been sleeping well – not since the Commander entered Haaling. There was a weight on my chest that refused to move and the heat in my palms flared sporadically, sending a burst of adrenaline through me when there was no reason for it. "When he is not on edge?"

"True, Shiny, but this is different. We were examining the tablet, forming the words from your rough translations and he just stopped and said, 'the shadow of man stalks a cruel heart and searches, always for the light that sits behind a wall of grey.' Then he vanished...with the tablet."

"Kohen wouldn't do anything to ruin it." I said sternly. "He is to be trusted."

"I know that, but where has he brought it?"

"Kohen has his reasons, but if it worries you, I will ask him." I told her.

The Troll rolled her lower lip, exposing her tusks for a moment. Flicking her gaze over my shoulder, she thought about it for a moment. "I would appreciate it if you checked on him, Shiny."

"I have a meeting with the Commander soon, but when that is over, I will seek him out."

"Thank you, Shiny." Gwen clapped my shoulder hard, and I winced at the blow. Whistling, the Troll took off again, eating the distance to the doors easily with her long legs. I stayed out there in my furs, cleaning my blade and listening to the sounds of Haaling as I waited for the time for the Commander's meeting to arrive.

When it was time, I brushed a hand over my braid briefly, checked that my boots were clean and headed to the Map-Room with the Alelang sheathed at my side. The others had only arrived when I reached the bottom steps. A servant hurriedly set out mugs of hot tea, ducking her head with a smile as I turned my attention to her.

A cold air stuck me as I stepped inside. The Commander's eyes were cold as they cut to me, watching me with un-nerving stillness as I made my way to the table. A steaming cup of frost-berry tea had been left out for me and as I sipped it, I marvelled at how it almost tasted like Tora's.

Greetings were made and my stomach tightened in anger as I watched the Commander take in our small Map-Room, his lip curling in disdain. The Captain watched him closely, lips tight. "Why did you not bring more Captains, Commander Vossen?"

"I was fearful that they wouldn't fit." The Commander looked from wall to wall. "I was right in my assumption. Also, I was weary of their incessant opinions. I want to know what is happening without their badgering."

Mahon's fingers curled tight against his palms for one long moment before loosening.  Fyr let out a shaky sigh and clicked her fingers. Immediately, the torches burst into light. Kohen was still too, and I watched him for a moment. His eyes were stuck on the Commander, his ears slicked back tightly against his skull. He didn't sit on the back of the chair like he always did, and his tail was stiff.

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